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Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner

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Threat status: Naturally uncommon
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Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner (1912)
Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(L.) Börner
Stuckenia pectinata

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Leaves all submersed, very narrow-linear, ± 1 mm wide, numerous transverse veins usually visible; stipules adnate below to leaf. Spike 2-4 cm long, discontinuous. Achenes rounded, without prominent keel or beak, light pinkish-brown.
Rhizome extensively creeping, forming swollen buds in autumn. Branches slender, much-branched, sts very long. Stipule adnate to lf-base, open but sheathing stem for 1–4 cm., the free ligular portion membr., c. 5 mm. long. Lvs all submersed, 5–12 cm. × c. 1 mm., entire, very narrow-linear, us. tapered to ± acute tip, membr., ∞ transverse veins us. visible. Peduncles slender, short or long. Spike discontinuous, 2–4 cm. overall, the lower whorls well separated. Achene c. 3 × 2.5 mm., light pinkish brown, rather plump and rounded, without prominent keel or beak.

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Potamogeton pectinatus L.
Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner
Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner
Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner
Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner
Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner
Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner
Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner
Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner
Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner
Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner
Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner
Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner

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Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner
[Not available]
Stuckenia pectinata (L.) Börner
[Not available]
North Otago

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scientific name
4 December 2007
8 April 2016
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