Dianella nigra Colenso

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Dianella nigra Colenso, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 16: 339 (1883 [1884])
Dianella nigra Colenso
Dianella nigra Colenso
Dianella nigra
Vernacular names
Dianella nigra Colenso
2n = 16
2n = 16
n = 8
2n = 16
n = 8
Dianella nigra Colenso
Plant us. of several lfy fans together, but lateral rhizomes sts carrying young shoots 10 cm. or more from the parent. Stem ± woody, c. 5 mm. diam., lower internodes us. very short, occ. to 15 cm. long. Lvs distichous, equitant, (15)–25–60–(100) × 1–1.5 cm.; sheath often reddish, open at base, narrowed above into a strongly keeled region where the two halves are almost completely fused; lamina of tough texture but not rigid, glossy above, the abaxial surface dull and showing ∞ fine veins; margins revolute on drying and, like the keel, minutely and ± caducously scabrid, especially towards the tip. Peduncle ± flattened, us. with 2 long basal internodes, bracts ± sheath-like. Panicle us. overtopping lvs, broad and very open, the branchlets diverging at narrow angles and all but the lowest bracts very small. Pedicels 1.5–4 cm. long, 3–4 in a group, filiform, not strongly curved. Fls greenish white and inconspicuous; outer tepals c. 3.2–4.5 × 1.5–1.7 mm., the veins, us. 5, occupying most of the width, tip cucullate; inner tepals wider, the veins 3, occ. 5, close together and flanked by wide translucent white margins, tip emarginate. Staminal filaments c. 3 mm. long, the upper ½–⅓ swollen into a ± globose, yellow, papillose struma; anther dehiscing by a slit. Ovary c. 1.5 × 1 mm., sessile; ovules 2 per locule, attached towards top of cavity. Fr. c. 6.5–17 × 6.5–10 mm., globose to oblong, grey-white and dull to strong violet-blue and glossy, the pericarp spongy. Seeds us. < 6, ± quadrate to elliptic in outline with hardened funicle, black, very glossy and smooth. 2n = 16.
Taxonomic concepts
Dianella intermedia var. norfolkensis F.Br.
Dianella nigra Colenso
Dianella nigra Colenso
Dianella nigra Colenso
Dianella nigra Colenso
Dianella nigra Colenso
Dianella nigra Colenso
Dianella nigra Colenso
Dianella nigra Colenso
Dianella nigra Colenso
Dianella nigra Colenso
Dianella nigra Colenso
Dianella nigra Colenso
Dianella nigra Colenso
Dianella reflexa Colenso
Dianella nigra Colenso
scientific name
1 January 2000
5 September 2007