Aciphylla stannensis J.W.Dawson

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Aciphylla stannensis J.W.Dawson, New Zealand J. Bot. 18: 119-120 (1980)
Aciphylla stannensis J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla stannensis J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla stannensis
Vernacular names
Aciphylla stannensis J.W.Dawson
Plants of 1-8 or more rosettes, with ascending leaves.
Leaves cartilaginous, orange-green, up to 32 cm or more long, once pinnate with 1-2 pairs of leaflets; sheath up to 54 × 17-8 mm; stipules simple, up to 27 × 1 mm, sometimes wanting, up to 6 mm apart at insertions; petiole up to 60 × 6, mostly shorter, concave, margins acute, sheath joint obscure, pulvinus mostly obscure, sometimes evident and up to 5 mm long; lamina ± obtrullate in outline; lowermost leaflet up to 220 × 5 mm with an apical spine up to 6 mm long, margin and midribs yellow to orange, up to 1 mm wide, the former often raised; marginal tubercles coarse, up to 0.15 mm wide, often forming a discontinuous series.
Inflorescences narrow. Female inflorescences up to 40 cm long occasionally more,* with stems up to 250 × 10 mm, reddish brown; head up to 150 × 20 mm, more or less lanceolate in outline; compound umbels up to 22; lower bracts up to 100 mm long with a sheath up to 28 × 8 mm, stipules up to 12 × 1 mm and a simple lamina up to 75 × 3 mm, all segments ascending to appressed.
Lower compound umbels up to 25 mm long with peduncles up to 6 × 1.4 mm, primary bracteoles usually wanting; up to 4 simple umbels with peduncles up to 8 × 1 mm, the innermost umbels often sessile, secondary bracteoles few up to 2 × 0.8 mm; a few accessory umbels in the bract axils.
Up to 10 flowers per umbel with a few in the centre reduced; pedicels up to 2 × 0.9 mm; sepals up to 0.3 mm long; petals c. 1 × 0.6 mm, not inflexed and with a conspicuous red-brown median oil tube; staminodes up to 0.6 mm long with anthers up to 0.2 mm long; mature mericarps pale brown and glossy, up to 8 × 3.3 mm, each pair with 5/3 or 4/3 ribs; lateral ribs up to 0.5 mm wide; oil tubes orange, up to 6 on the commissure, 3-4 in the intervals, those in the ribs equal to or smaller than those in the intervals; styles up to 1.2 mm long.
Male inflorescences up to 38 cm long with stems up to 150 × 6 mm, reddish brown; head up to 230 × 50 mm, narrow-ovate in outline; compound umbels up to 27; lower bracts up to 85 mm long with a sheath up to 30 × 4 mm, stipules up to 10 × 1 mm and a simple lamina up to 54 × 2 mm, segments ascending.
Lower compound umbels up to 47 mm long with peduncles up to 23 × 1 mm, primary bracteoles usually wanting; up to 9 simple umbels with peduncles up to 16 × 0.9 mm, the innermost umbels often sessile or almost so; secondary bracteoles 6-7, up to 1.5 × 0.3 mm; a few simple to partly compound accessory umbels in the bract axils.
Up to 12 flowers per umbel; pedicels up to 3 × 0.4 mm; sepals up to 0.3 mm long; petals c. 1.1 × 0.75 mm, not inflexed and with a conspicuous redbrown median oil-tube; stamens c. 1.75 mm long with filaments c. 1.25 × 0.1 mm and anthers c. 0.5 × 0.4 mm.
*On a recent visit to Stewart Island Webb (pers. comm.) observed some infructescences up to 80 cm and more rarely 100 cm in length.
Folia pinnata, usque ad 32 cm longa; foliolis 1-2 jugis, cartilagineis, tuberculatis; stipulis simplicibus, brevioribus quam petiolis vel obsoletis; petiolis brevibus. Inflorescentia elongata, feminea usque ad 40 cm longa, mascula usque ad 38 cm longa; bracteis trifoliatis, adscendentibus. Mericarpium circa 8 mm longum, 3.5 mm latum, stylo circa 1.2 mm longo, jugis 5, 4 vel 3, circa 0.5 mm latis, vittibus 3-4 ad valleculas.
Taxonomic concepts
Aciphylla stannensis J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla stannensis J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla stannensis J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla stannensis J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla stannensis J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla stannensis J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla stannensis J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla stannensis J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla stannensis J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla stannensis J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla stannensis J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla stannensis J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla stannensis J.W.Dawson
scientific name
1 January 2000
24 March 2010