Nagrajchalara agathidis (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao 2023

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Nagrajchalara agathidis (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao, Fungal Diversity 119 332 (2023)
Nagrajchalara agathidis (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao 2023
W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao
Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.
(Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao
Nagrajchalara agathidis
Colony effuse, pale brown, pubescent. Vegetative mycelium aggregated into thin stromata of brown to dark brown, thick-walled, angular cells. Phialophores 65-71 µ long, reduced to sessile phialides or composed of a terminal phialide and a short stalk cell, 6 x 6.5-7 µ. Phialides lageniform, 61-67 (-71) [64] µ long, pale brown, smooth; venter subcylindrical, 22-28 [25] x 7-8 [7.5] µ; collarette cylindrical, base dark; 34-46 [39] x 3-3.5 [3.2] µ; transition from venter to collarette gradual; ratio of mean lengths of collarette/venter = 1.5:1. Phialoconidia extruded in short chains; cylindrical, apex rounded, base truncate bearing a distinct marginal frill; 1-septate, hyaline, smooth; 17-24 [21] x 2.5-3 [2.7] µ; mean conidium length/width ratio= 7.7:1.
Known distribution: New Zealand.
Habitat: On dead leaf of Agathis australis.
Colonia effusa, pallide brunnea, pubescens. Mycelium vegetativum in stromata tenuia ex cellulis brunneis vel atrobrunneis, incrassatis, angularibus composita aggregatum. Phialophora 65-71 µ long., ad sessiles phialides redacta vel ex phialide terminali et brevi cellula fulcienti 6 x 6.5-7 µ composita. Phialides lageniformes, 61-67 (-71) [64] µ long., pallide brunneae, laeves; venter subcylindraceus, 22-28 [25] x 7-8 [7.5] µ; collum cylindraceum basaliter fuscum,34-46 [39] x 3-3.5 [3.2] µ; transitio ex ventre ad collum gradatim; ratio long. colli et ventris =1.5:1. Phialoconidia in catenas breves extrusa; cylindracea, apice rotundato, base truncata, fimbriam marginalem ferente; 1-septata, hyalina, laevia; 17-24 [21] x 2.5-3 [2.7] µ; ratio conidii long./lat. = 7.7:1.
Chalara agathidis superficially resembles C. angionacea, but its venter is longer and narrower, its collarette is narrower and darker at its base, and its conidia are longer and narrower.
Specimen examined: PDD 32868 [Holotype], Ricker Tr., Piha Valley, Waitakere Ra., Auckland, N.Z., 9.11.1974, B. Kendrick (KNZ 380).
Notes: Nagrajchalara agathidis is characterized by simple conidiophore with a 1–3-celled basal stalk and a terminal phialide, versicolorous conidiogenous cells with gradual transition from venter to collarette, subellipsoidal to subcylindrical venter, and 1-septate and longer conidia (Nag Raj and Kendrick 1975). Morphologically N. agathidis superfcially resembles N. angionacea, but difers from it by longer and narrower venter, collarette and conidia (Nag Raj and Kendrick 1975). It is also similar to Chalara alabamensis, but difers in its versicolorous phialides (Morgan-Jones and Ingram 1976). The Chinese collections were with signifcantly longer phialides and collarettes (phialides 61–67 µm long, venters 22–28 µm long, and collarettes 34–46 µm long in the original description, Nag Raj and Kendrick 1975).
Taxonomic concepts
Chalara agathidis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. (1975)
Chalara agathidis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. (1975)
Chalara agathidis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. (1975)
Chalara agathidis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. (1975)
Chalara agathidis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.
Nagrajchalara agathidis (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao 2023
Nagrajchalara agathidis (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao 2023
Nagrajchalara agathidis (Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.) W.P. Wu & Y.Z. Diao 2023
taxonomic status
Recombination based on genetic data from Chinese specimens identified as C. agathidis [PRJ]
scientific name
11 April 2023