Gymnomyces cristatus T. Lebel 2002

Gymnomyces cristatus T. Lebel 2002
ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet refers to the crested or flange-like appearance of the spore ornamentation, from the Latin cristatum meaning crested.
NOTES: Gymnomyces cristatus is one of three species of Gymnomyces in New Zealand which have monoorbi-sterigmate basidia, an off-white peridium with some brown patches, and the gleba becoming orange-brown to brown in older basidiomata. Gymnomyces redolens has a very different spore ornamentation of isolated spines and warts often connected by low ridges, and larger hymenial cystidia embedded in the trama. Gymnomyces fuscus has spores ornamented with isolated spines and generally lacks hymenial cystidia. The crested spore ornamentation and basidia with two robust sterigmata of Gymnomyces cristatus resemble those of several collections of Gymnomyces from Australia (Lebel 1998). However, the basidia of G. cristatus are consistently shorter than the Australian collections, and the gleba has a distinct orange tint, while the Australian collections generally remain white with some brown patches. These collections will be described in a paper dealing with new species of Australian sequestrate Russulales.