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Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb.

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Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb., Willdenowia 39: 51 (2009)
Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb.

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New Zealand
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U.Manns & Anderb.
(L.) U.Manns & Anderb.
Manns & Anderberg 2009 did not provide new combinations in Lysimachiafor Anagallis caerulea, A. arvensis subsp. parviflora and A. arvensis subsp. arvensis var. caerulea.
Lysimachia arvensis

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Annual; stems trailing or prostrate, (2)-5-40 cm long, sometimes mat-forming. Lvs sessile, (2)-5-25 × (1.5)-3-18 mm, ovate, elliptic, or elliptic-ovate, sometimes very broad-ovate, often indistinctly dotted with sessile black glands beneath; base rounded or subcordate; apex ± obtuse. Fls solitary; pedicels (0.5)-1-2 cm long. Calyx (3)-3.5-4.5 mm long; lobes lanceolate, acuminate; margins scarious. Corolla (2)-6-15 mm diam., orange, orange-red or deep blue, conspicuous; lobes c. 3-7 mm long, elliptic or obovate, entire or slightly crenulate with numerous minute red to black-tipped glandular hairs on margin. Stamens c. (1)-2 mm long; filaments much > anthers, ± purple except for white-hairy dilated base. Capsule (2.5)-3-5 mm diam., ± = calyx; style persistent. Seed 0.7- c. 1.4 mm long, reticulate, flattened on 1 side, convex and keeled on the other.
Stems nearly always 5-40 cm long, usually many-branched, rarely simple or with few branches. Lvs (5)-7-25 × (3)-5-18 mm, usually ovate, elliptic or elliptic-ovate. Corolla 3-7 × 6-15 mm, orange, orange-red or blue. Stamens 1-2 mm long. Capsule 3-5 mm diam. Seeds usually 1-1.4 mm long.

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New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
New Zealand
Southland Land District
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb.
Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb.
Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb.
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb.
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb.
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb.
New Zealand
Westland Land District
Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U.Manns & Anderb.
United Kingdom

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There are two distinct forms of Lysimachia arvensis, scarlet pimpernel (Lysimachia arvensis var. arvensis), which has orange or reddish-coloured flowers, and blue pimpernel Lysimachia arvensis var. caerulea), which has dark blue or purplish-coloured flowers. The very similar blue flowered L. foemina is not known in NZ. Lysimachia foemina can be distinguished from Lysimachia arvensis on the basis of the hairiness and arrangement of the petals and by the length of the flower stalk. This species has just a few glandular hairs on the margins of the petals, clearly separated from one another (never imbricate). Furthermore the flower stalk is shorter (10 mm (0.39 in)). The colour of the flowers is not a useful diagnostic character.

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scientific name
25 February 2013
12 November 2015
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