Aciphylla lecomtei J.W.Dawson

Aciphylla lecomtei J.W.Dawson, New Zealand J. Bot. 17: 343-347 (1979)
Aciphylla lecomtei J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla lecomtei J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla lecomtei
Aciphylla lecomtei J.W.Dawson
Leaf rosettes c. 25 cm diameter in groups of up to 25 or more. Leaves coriaceous, yellowish green, up to 25 cm long, once-pinnate, with usually 4 pairs of leaflets more or less in one plane; sheath up to 90 × 12—6 mm, sheath joint usually obscure; stipules simple, up to 35 × 1 — 1.5 mm; petiole up to 45 × 3—4 mm, ± convex above, margins rounded, pulvinus (Fig. 4) evident, 8—10 mm long; lamina ± obtriangular in outline, lowermost leaflet up to 100 × 3—4 mm, apex acute with a spine c. 1 mm long, margins with very fine tubercles, mid- and margin ribs c. 0.2 mm wide, veins not raised. Inflorescences of broad type. Female inflorescence up to 520 mm long, occasionally larger, with a stem 300 × 10 mm, pale yellow to brown; head 125 × 90 mm, more or less ovate in outline; compound umbels 12— 16, usually arranged in 3 or 4 whorls, the terminal umbel larger than to about the same size as the laterals; lower bracts c. 70 mm long, with a sheath c. 20 × 8—4 mm, stipules, and 1 — 2 pairs of leaflets, upper bracts smaller and simple with stipules. Lower compound umbels up to 70 mm long with peduncles up to 50 × 2.5 mm; primary bracteoles simple, up to 9 × 1 mm; simple umbels c. 13 with peduncles up to 1 5 × 0.8 mm; secondary bracteoles simple, up to 7 × 1 mm; c. 15 flowers per umbel with pedicels up to 3 × 0.2 mm. Sepals up to 0.8 mm long; petals up to 1.4 × 0.7 mm, not inflexed; staminodes up to 0.6 mm long. Mericarps pale brown, dull, up to 4.1 × 2 mm with a style up to 1.2 mm long, lateral ribs up to 0.4 mm wide. Male inflorescences up to 420 mm long, with a stem 290 × 8 mm, pale yellow to brown; head 140 × 105 mm, almost circular in outline; compound umbels c. 8, tending to be in 2 or 3 whorls, the terminal umbel generally larger than the laterals; bracts and bracteoles similar to those of the female; lower compound umbels up to 80 mm long with peduncles up to 55 × 2 mm; c. 14 simple umbels with peduncles up to 15 × 0.4 mm; c. 20 flowers per umbel with pedicels up to 5 × 0.2 mm. Sepals up to 0.8 mm long; petals up to 1.3 × 0.6 mm, not inflexed; stamens up to 2.5 mm long.
Folia conferta, pinnata, usque ad 25 cm longa; foliolis 4- jugis; stipulis simplicibus. brevioribus quam petiolis; pulvinus petioleus prominens. Inflorescentia paniculata, feminea usque ad 52 cm longa, mascula usque ad 42 cm longa. Carpellis circa 4 mm longis, 2 mm latis, stylis circa 1 mm longis, juga 5, vittae ad valleculas solitariae.
Taxonomic concepts
Aciphylla lecomtei J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla lecomtei J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla lecomtei J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla lecomtei J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla lecomtei J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla lecomtei J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla lecomtei J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla lecomtei J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla lecomtei J.W.Dawson
Aciphylla lecomtei J.W.Dawson
scientific name
1 January 2000
20 June 2006