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Nephroma cellulosum (Ach.) Ach.

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Nephroma cellulosum (Ach.) Ach., Lichenogr. Universalis 523 (1810)
Nephroma cellulosum (Ach.) Ach.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(Ach.) Ach.
Nephroma cellulosum

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Nephroma cellulosum (Ach.) Ach.

Thallus orbicular to spreading, 5-15 cm diam., corticolous or muscicolous. Lobes rounded, flattened, closely attached centrally, subascendent apically, margins entire, rounded, sinuous. Upper surface markedly faveolate-reticulate, faveolae 2-3 mm wide, separated by well-defined ridges, olive-brown to reddish-brown to greyish-red or grey (shade forms), matt or shining in parts, sometimes white-maculate (×10 lens). Lower surface distinctly bullate, shining, creamish-buff at margins, dark grey-brown centrally, glabrous. Apothecia pale to dark brown, 5-10 mm broad and 2-5 mm long with a narrow, entire margin. Ascospores biseriate, pale brownish, 2-septate, 14-20 × 7-8 µm. Chemistry: Zeorin, unidentified terpene, perlatolic acid and unidentified pigment (±).

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Nephroma cellulosum (Ach.) Ach.
Nephroma cellulosum (Ach.) Ach.
Nephroma cellulosum (Ach.) Ach.
Nephroma cellulosum (Ach.) Ach.
Nephroma cellulosum (Ach.) Ach.
Peltidea cellulosum Ach.
Nephroma cellulosum (Ach.) Ach.

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Nephroma cellulosum (Ach.) Ach.
[Not available]

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scientific name
1 January 2000
19 October 2011
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