Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones

Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones in Bayly et al., New Zealand J. Bot. 40: 596 (2002)
Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Hebe cryptomorpha
Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Shrub or rounded shrub, to 1.2 m tall (Fig. 12A). Branches erect; old stems light to very dark brown, or red-brown (chocolate); youngest branchlets brown (usually), or green; internodes 1– 8(–10) mm long; leaf decurrencies evident; leaf-base scars prominent; stem pubescence bifarious (sometimes sparsely), eglandular. Leaf bud about as long as mature leaves with leaves of a pair separating when mature; sinus broad and acute (Fig. 12B). Leaves decussate, erecto-patent to patent; lamina (Fig. 12C, 13) oblanceolate or lanceolate or elliptic (less commonly), fleshy or slightly thin, (7–)13–28(– 33) mm long, (3–)4–8(–9) mm wide; apex acute or subacute; base cuneate; evident venation in fresh leaves consisting of midrib only; midrib thickened beneath and depressed to grooved above; margin not thickened, rounded (or squarish), minutely papillate, entire (almost always) or crenate (minute teeth only sometimes present); upper surface green, dull or slightly glossy, with many or with few (usually) or without evident stomata, hairy along midrib (Fig. 14C); lower surface light green or glaucous or glaucescent, dull, with many stomata. Petiole 1–4(– 6) mm long, hairy above (along midrib). Inflorescences (Fig. 15A) with 5–17 flowers, lateral, racemose and unbranched (almost always) or racemose and compound with (1–)2 branches at base (very rarely, and with lateral branches short and not well developed), 1.2–3.7 cm long, about equal to or longer than subtending leaves, flowers opening in acropetal sequence; peduncle (0.2–)0.3–0.6(–1.3) cm long, pubescent with a mixture of eglandular and glandular hairs; rachis (0.8–)1.2–2.6(–3.1) cm long, pubescent with a mixture of eglandular and glandular hairs; bracts almost always opposite and decussate, free (usually) or connate (sometimes very shortly, especially near base of inflorescence), acute or subacute or obtuse (infrequently), ciliolate with both glandular and eglandular hairs and sometimes with eglandular and minute twin-headed glandular hairs inside, lanceolate or ovate or deltoid; pedicels shorter or much shorter than bracts or absent (can vary on one plant), pubescent with both eglandular and glandular hairs, suberect at anthesis, suberect to erecto-patent at fruiting, 0.5–3(–5) mm long. Flowers on individual plants either hermaphrodite or female. Calyx 2.4–3(–3.5) mm long, 3–4-lobed, divisions subequally deep (mostly) or with anterior lobes united to 1⁄3 to whole (or almost whole) way to apex; lobes lanceolate to elliptic, subacute or obtuse or acute, with mixed glandular and eglandular cilia, margins narrowly membranous. Corolla white at anthesis, white after pollination; tube glabrous, 1.5–3 mm long, 2–3 mm wide, shortly cylindric, equalling or slightly longer than calyx (Fig. 16A); lobes longer than corolla tube, glabrous; posterior lobe ovate to elliptic, obtuse, patent, with margin and apex flat; lateral lobes ovate to elliptic, obtuse, suberect to recurved, with margin and apex flat; anterior lobe ovate to elliptic, obtuse, patent to recurved, with margin and apex flat; corolla throat white. Stamen filaments white, diverging after anthesis, straight at apex in bud, 3.5–5.5 mm long; anthers obtuse or shortly apiculate, dark pink or purplish mauve, 1.9–2.4 mm long. Nectarial disc glabrous. Ovary ovoid, glabrous or sparsely eglandular hairy, 1.5–2.1 mm long; ovules 15–33 per locule (in hermaphrodite plants), marginal in 1½–2 layers on a flattened placenta; style 3–6.5 mm long, c. 0.15–0.25 mm thick, glabrous or with sparse multicellular hairs (especially toward base), white; stigma subcapitate, white or yellow or green at anthesis, 0.25–0.35 mm wide. Capsules latiseptate, obtuse or subacute, pale to dark brown, 3–4 mm long, 2.4–2.8 mm wide, glabrous or with sparse eglandular, multicellular hairs, loculicidal split extending ¼ –½ way to base.
H. cockayneana et H. crenulata affinis; ab ambobus numero chromosomatum (2n = 40) et compositione flavonoideorum (ut indice 1) differt; a H. cockayneana foliis oblanceolatis (8.0–)16.0– 30.0(–36.0) mm longis, (2.66–)2.82–3.81(–4.34) plo longioribus quam latioribus, distantia e basi ad partem latissimam (7.6–)9.5–20.0(–22.4) mm, foliis longissimis (19.0–)21.0–30.0(–36.0) mm longis differt; a H. crenulata numero ovulorum (15–33 in quoque loculo plantarum hermaphroditarum), foliis longissimis (19.0–)21.0–30.0(–35.1) mm longis differt.
Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
2n = 40
2n = 40
2n = 40
Taxonomic concepts
Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Hebe cryptomorpha Bayly, Kellow, G.Harper & Garn.-Jones
Holotype: New Zealand, South Island, Marlborough, Mt Richmond Forest Park, beside road to Mt Patriarch, Hebe shrubland, M. J. Bayly 846 & R. Ansell, 21 Dec 1997, WELT 80780. Isotypes: AK, CHR
The epithet refers to the very close similarity between this species and V. cockayneana and V. simulans, with which it was previously confused. Cryptomorphy (kryptos, hidden; morphe, form or shape) refers to biological species that are morphologically very hard to distinguish.
scientific name
20 June 2003
3 January 2023