New Zealand: Auckland: Hunua Ranges, Waharau Regional Park, vic. education camp, on fallen leaves of Coprosma robusta, P. R. Johnston D1212, 7 Aug 1995, holotype PDD 64924, ex type ICMP 14146
ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: AUCKLAND: Waitakere Ranges, Cascades, Upper Kauri Track, on C. robusta, P. R. Johnston D421, 11 Oct 1989, PDD 56336; Waitakere Ranges, Kaitarakihi, on C.robusta, P. R. Johnston D562, 5 Nov 1990, PDD 58120; Waitakere Ranges, Cascades, on C. robusta, P. R. Johnston D566 & D. Jones, 8 Nov 1990, PDD 58113; Waitakere Ranges, Sharp's Bush, on C.robusta, P. R. Johnston D572 & D. Jones, 8 Nov 1990, PDD 58123. AUCKLAND ISLANDS: Port Ross, between Terror Cove and German Expedition Site, on C. foetidissima, P. R. Johnston AK62, 23 Mar 2000, PDD 71985. CHATHAM ISLANDS: Tuku Reserve, on C. chathamica, P. R. Johnston D920 & E. H. C. McKenzie, 2 Apr 1993, PDD 62674, ICMP 14148. MARLBOROUGH SOUNDS: Te Matai, Mistletoe Bay, on C. robusta, P. R. Johnston D1309, 9 May 1997, PDD 71987. MID CANTERBURY: Mt Thomas Forest, Wooded Gully Track, on C. robusta, P. R. Johnston D1150, 4 May 1995, PDD 70134; vic. Springfield, Kowai Bush reserve, on C. lucida, P. R. Johnston D1160, 5 May 1995, PDD 64917. NELSON: vic. Karamea, northern side of Karamea Bluff, Lake Hanlon, on C. robusta, P. R. Johnston D1055, 11 May 1994, PDD 70142; Karamea, Oparara River Valley, Limestone Arch, on C. sp., P. R. Johnston D380 & E. M. Gibellini, 26 May 1989, PDD 55501; vic Karamea, Umere Rd, Virgin Creek, on C. grandifolia (petioles),P. R. Johnston D1072, 12 May 1994, PDD 70133; Cobb Resevoir, Asbestos Cottage Track, onC. robusta, P. R. Johnston D946 & E. M. Gibellini,29 May 1989, PDD 63159; Abel Tasman National Park, Harwood's Hole, on C. robusta, P. R. Johnston D949 & E. M. Gibellini, 28 May 1989, PDD 63172;Pelorous Bridge Scenic Reserve, Trig K-Waterfall Walk, on C. robusta, P. R. Johnston D1082, 14 May 1994, PDD 70126. NORTH CANTERBURY: vic. Cheviot, Gore Bay Reserve, on C. robusta, P. R.Johnston D1116, 1 May 1995, PDD 64829; vic.Cheviot, Gore Bay Reserve, on C. robusta, P. R.Johnston D1519 & R. E. Beever, 15 May 2000, PDD 71984; vic. Cheviot, Glendhu Rd, Nothofagus remnant in catchment adjacent to Boundary Creek Reserve, on C. robusta, P. R. Johnston D1124, 1 May 1995, PDD 70140; vic. Cheviot, Napenape Reserve,on C. robusta, P. R. Johnston D1516 & R. E. Beever, 17 May 2000, PDD 71980. NORTHLAND: North Kaipara Heads, vic. Pouto, Tapu Bush, on C. ? lucida (petioles), P. R. Johnston D712, 22 May 1991, PDD 59103. SOUTHLAND: Catlins, Lake Wilkie Track, on C. ? lucida, P. R. Johnston D1186 & A. F. Howarth, 9 May 1995, PDD 64656; Catlins, Lake Wilkie Track, on C. lucida, P. R. Johnston D1187& A. F. Howarth, 9 May 1995, PDD 64655; Catlins, Tautuku, Lenz Scenic Reserve, Tautuku Bay, dunes at northern end of beach, on C. robusta, P. R.Johnston D1203, 11 May 1995, PDD 64642. STEWART ISLAND: Ulva I., Boulder Beach-West End Beach track, on C. robusta, P. R. Johnston D1396 & E. H. C. McKenzie, 21 Nov 1998, PDD 70131. TAUPO: Kaimanawa Forest Park, Tree Trunk Gorge, on C. robusta, P. R. Johnston D400,19 May 1989, PDD 55582; Pureora Forest, Totara Walk, on C. grandifolia (petioles), P. R. Johnston D798, 26 Mar 1992, PDD 60115, ICMP 14144; Tongariro National Park, Ohakune Mountain Rd, track near visitor centre, on C. grandifolia (leaves), P. R. Johnston D1363, R. E. Beever & E. H. C.McKenzie, 20 May 1998, PDD 70127. WAIKATO: Ngaruawahia, Hakarimata Walkway, on C.grandifolia (petioles), P. R. Johnston D433 & G. L. Barron, 18 May 1989, PDD 56328. WELLINGTON: Kaitoke Regional Park, on C. robusta, P. R.Johnston D1288, 7 May 1997, PDD 70132, ICMP 14147.
DESCRIPTION: Apothecia developing on upper and lower surface and on petioles of fallen leaves, on leaf blade associated with irregularly shaped stromatic areas (often with several areas on a single leaf) about 5-15 mm across, leaf surface in these areas pale grey, margin marked by narrow, black zone line; these areas contain scattered, round, dark spots 0.1-0.2 mm diam. from which the apothecia arise; infected petioles completely blackened. Apothecia erumpent from beneath epidermis, arising from basal stroma about 100 µm diam., comprising mass of tightly interwoven hyphae 3-7 µm diam. with walls brown to dark brown, irregularly thickened, refractive, sometimes with scattered groups of crystals 20-40 µm diam. around edges of stroma; hyphae within host tissue sparse, with walls thickened, refractive, pale brown to hyaline, intermixed with the still partially intact cells of the host leaf. Apothecia 1.5-5 mm diam., cupulate, short stipitate to stipitate; disc plane, very dark red when fresh, black when dry; receptacle finely roughened, concolorous with disc when fresh, when dry very dark red to black with fine, bright rusty brown flecks on the surface; stipe cylindric, concolorous with receptacle. Ascomata release deep purplish red ("very deep Red", Kelly 1965) pigment in KOH. Ectal excipulum 30 µm thick on receptacle, textura globosa to textura angularis with elements oriented more or less perpendicular to receptacle surface, comprising short cylindric, angular or globose, 5-12 µm diam. cells with walls thick, hyaline, refractive, outermost cells 6-10 µm diam., more or less free, containing deep purplish red pigments. Medullary excipulum textura intricata of hyphae 5-6 µm diam. with walls thin, encrusted, pale brown, nongelatinous (toward base of stipe cells with walls slightly thickened, refractive,darker). Subhymenium a dense textura intricata comprising hyphae with walls pale brown, thin, nongelatinous. Paraphyses 2 µm diam., slightly swollen to rounded apex, 2.5-4.5 µm diam.,unbranched, containing bright orange-brown pigments in water, changing to deep purplish red in KOH, about same length as asci. Asci (70-)80-95(-100) x (7.5-)8.5-9.5(-10.5) µm, cylindric to subclavate, tapering slightly to subtruncate apex, wall thickened at apex, apical pore amyloid with reaction extending through wall, more intense to inside and outside of wall, 8-spored, spores overlapping uniseriate, extending 55-65 µm from ascus apex. Ascospores (7.5-)9-10(-11) x (4-)4.5-5.5(-6) µm (x- 9.5 x 4.75 µm, n = 48), broad cylindric ovate, rounded at both ends, slightly curved, flattened one side, often slightly wider in upper half, 0-septate, wall hyaline, thin, smooth.
DIAGNOSIS: Apothecia 1.5-5 mm diam., brevistipitata vel stipitata, atrovinosa vel atere; pigmentum atrovinosum in KOH. Asci (70-)80-95(-100) x (7.5-)8.5-9.5(-10.5) µm; ascosporae (7.5-)9-10(-11) x (4-)4.5-5.5(-6) µm (x- 9.5 x 4.75µm, n = 48), depresse ovatae vel ellipticae, levitercurvae, 0-septatae, hyalinae.
ETYMOLOGY: Refers to host substrate.
NOTES: Moellerodiscus coprosmae is macroscopically similar to M. griseliniae (see Discussion and Table 1).In some collections of M. coprosmae, objects that have the appearance of released ascospores, but with brown walls, have been seen on top of the hymenium and on the surface of the receptacle. This feature could be used to infer a relationship withLambertella (cf. Hosoya & Otani 1997); however, many apparently unrelated sclerotiniaceous discomycetes have ascospores that turn brown following release (see, for example, Johnston &Gamundí 2000), and this does not appear to be a "good" generic character. The type species ofLambertella, L. corni-maris Höhn., has an excipular structure quite unlike Moellerodiscus, the ectal excipulum comprising long-celled elements oriented at a low angle to the receptacle surface.
HOLOTYPUS (here designated): New Zealand: Auckland: Hunua Ranges, Waharau Regional Park, vic. education camp, on fallen leaves of Coprosma robusta, P. R. Johnston D1212, 7 Aug 1995, PDD 64924, ICMP 14146.
New Zealand: Auckland: Hunua Ranges, Waharau Regional Park, vic. education camp, on fallen leaves of Coprosma robusta, P. R. Johnston D1212, 7 Aug 1995, holotype PDD 64924, ex type ICMP 14146
scientific name
25 June 2014
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