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Astelia graminea L.B.Moore

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Astelia graminea L.B.Moore, New Zealand J. Bot. 4: 222, fig. 8, 9 (1966)
Astelia graminea L.B.Moore

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New Zealand
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222, fig. 8, 9
Astelia graminea L.B.Moore
Astelia graminea

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Astelia graminea L.B.Moore

Plant diffuse, with lateral shoots developing in leaf axils at all levels. Leaves c. 15—50 cm × 5-10 mm; sheath with long narrow scales; lamina ± folded about the strong keel, brownish adaxially with obvious pellicle, pale abaxially with scales and thickly felted wool; nerves only 3-6 on each side of midrib. Peduncle to c. 5 cm × 3—5 mm; panicle narrow, little longer than peduncle, the spathes narrower than the leaves; racemes few, simple, not tightly congested. Flowers pedicellate, few, ♂ maroon, ♀ greenish, outer tepals to 5 × 2 mm, spreading and ± recurved, the basal part becoming orange and fleshy in fruit. Fruit narrow-ovoid, c. 7-9 × 4-6 mm, bright orange.
Subgenus Tricella—Planta graminea, diffusa propter innovationes numerosissimas, foliorum fasciculis singularibus vix manifestis; folia vaide carinata, angustissima, supra brunnescentia, pellicula tenui separabili obtecta, subtus pallida, squamis appressis et lana copiosa praedita, nervis crassioribus utroque latere costae medianae 3—5—(6); vagina longissime squamosa; infloresccntia inter folia ± abscondita; panicula spathaeque angustae; racemi simplices, flores pauci, pedicellati, vix congesti; ovarium baccaque anguste lageniforme, longitudine saltern dimidio majus quam latitudine; fructus aureus.

Astelia graminea L.B.Moore

Colonies evenly lfy without obvious tufts, lateral shoots developing freely and not restricted to subfloral lf-axils. Stem c. 1 cm. diam. Lvs c. 15–50 cm. × 5–10 mm., strongly keeled and us. drying folded; sheath closely covered with long narrow scales; lamina brownish adaxially with persistent detachable pellicle; abaxial surface pale buff and thickly felted between and often over the 3–5–(6) main nerves on each side of midrib. Infl. to c. 8–(12) cm. long, narrow; spathes narrower than lvs; racemes few, simple, not tightly congested; fls few, often < 12 per raceme. Perianth pinkish; tepals to 5 × 2 mm., spreading and ± recurved, the tube becoming orange and fleshy in fr. Ovary 3-locular, elongate. Fr. narrow-ovoid, c. 7–9 × 4–6 mm., bright orange.

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Astelia graminea L.B.Moore
Astelia graminea L.B.Moore
Astelia graminea L.B.Moore
Astelia graminea L.B.Moore
Astelia graminea L.B.Moore
Astelia graminea L.B.Moore
Astelia graminea L.B.Moore
Astelia graminea L.B.Moore
Astelia graminea L.B.Moore
Astelia graminea L.B.Moore
Astelia graminea L.B.Moore
Astelia graminea L.B.Moore

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Astelia graminea L.B.Moore
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Astelia graminea L.B.Moore
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Astelia graminea L.B.Moore
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Astelia graminea L.B.Moore
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
19 February 2004
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