Poa anceps G.Forst.

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Poa anceps G.Forst., Fl. Ins. Austr. 8 (1786)
Poa anceps G.Forst.
Poa anceps G.Forst.
Poa anceps
- Poa anceps subsp. anceps
- Poa anceps subsp. polyphylla
- Poa anceps var. anceps
- Poa anceps var. chathamica
- Poa anceps var. condensata
- Poa anceps var. gracilis
- Poa anceps var. polyphylla
- Poa anceps var. α elata
- Poa anceps var. β foliosa
- Poa anceps var. γ breviculmis
- Poa anceps var. δ densiflora
- Poa anceps var. ε alpina
- Poa anceps var. ε debilis
- Poa anceps var. ζ minima
Vernacular names
Poa anceps G.Forst.
Very variable perennial; coarse light green to greenish-brown to bluish-green tufts to c. 70 cm tall, with stiff erect leaves shorter than stems, or often scrambling and trailing with hanging leaves and stems drooping from thick stolons to 2 m long, rooting at nodes below tufts; new shoots extravaginal, with up to three, short, smooth, obtuse, bractlike sheaths at base; laminae persistent. Sheaths light green to light brown, coriaceous, folded and strongly keeled, lateral nerves conspicuous, smooth or slightly scabrous above, rarely minutely scabrous throughout; ligule c. 0.5 mm long, a truncate rim, scabrous abaxially and usually longer-ciliate across top; lamina coriaceous, folded to flat, abaxially with prominent, thickened keel, and numerous, distinct lateral nerves, smooth apart from prickle-teeth near tip, adaxially without prominent nerves, and smooth between nerves, margins thickened, tips acuminate or abruptly acute, scabrous. Culms smooth, often not far exserted beyond uppermost leaf sheath. Panicle much-branched, branches whorled, very slender; rachis and primary branchlets often smooth, secondary branchlets finely, sharply, densely or sparsely scabrous or smooth, often spikelet-bearing throughout, or almost throughout. Spikelets numerous, light green. Glumes subequal, narrow- to elliptic-lanceolate, acute to subobtuse, upper 2/3 scabrous throughout, or occasionally glumes entirely smooth; lower glume slightly shorter, upper (2.5)-3-4-(5) mm long, 3- nerved. Lemma 3-4.5 mm long, elliptic-oblong, with short crimped hairs to lh length midnerve and near base of outer lateral nerves, margins minutely scabrous. Palea 2.5-4 mm long, finely scabrous along keels, smooth or minutely scabrous between keels and on margins. Lodicules c. 0.5 mm long, occasionally hair-tipped. Callus with a thick tuft of soft crimped hairs. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm long, smooth or minutely, sparsely scabrous, projection about twice as long. 2n = 28.
Poa anceps G.Forst.
Very variable, coarse, light green to greenish brown to bluish green perennial tufts to c. 70 cm, with stiff erect leaves < stems, or often scrambling and trailing to 2 m, with hanging leaves and stems drooping from thick stolons, rooting at nodes below tufts; branching extravaginal, with up to three, short, glabrous, obtuse, bract-like sheaths at base; leaf-blades persistent. Leaf-sheath light green to light brown, coriaceous, folded and strongly keeled, lateral ribs conspicuous, smooth or slightly scabrid above, rarely minutely scabrid throughout. Ligule c. 0.5 mm, a truncate usually long-ciliate rim, scabrid abaxially. Leaf-blade coriaceous, folded to flat, abaxially with prominent, thickened midrib, and numerous, distinct lateral ribs, smooth apart from prickle-teeth near tip, adaxially smooth between inconspicuous ribs; margins thickened, tip acuminate or abruptly acute, often pungent, scabrid. Culm often not far exserted beyond uppermost leaf-sheath, internodes glabrous. Panicle much-branched, branches whorled, very slender; rachis and primary branches often smooth, secondary branchlets finely, sharply, densely or sparsely scabrid or smooth, often spikelet-bearing ± throughout. Spikelets numerous, light green. Glumes subequal, narrow- to elliptic-lanceolate, acute to subobtuse, occasionally smooth throughout, or upper ⅔ scabrid; lower slightly shorter, upper (2.5)-3-4-(5) mm, 3-nerved. Lemma 3-4.5 mm, elliptic-oblong, with short crinkled hairs on lower ½ of midnerve and near base of outer lateral nerves; margins minutely scabrid. Palea 2.5-4 mm, keels finely scabrid, interkeel and flanks smooth or minutely scabrid. Callus with thick tuft of soft crinkled hairs. Rachilla c. 0.5 mm, smooth or minutely, sparsely scabrid; prolongation c. twice as long. Lodicules c. 0.5 mm, occasionally hair-tipped.
Taxonomic concepts
Poa anceps G.Forst.
Poa anceps G.Forst.
Poa anceps G.Forst.
Poa anceps G.Forst.
Poa anceps G.Forst.
Poa anceps G.Forst.
scientific name
1 January 2000
24 April 2006