Collema laeve Hook.f. & Taylor

Collema laeve Hook.f. & Taylor, London J. Bot. 3: 656 (1844)
Collema laeve Hook.f. & Taylor
Hook.f. & Taylor
Hook.f. & Taylor
Collema laeve Hook.f. & Taylor
Collema laeve
Collema laeve Hook.f. & Taylor
Thallus medium to large to 10 cm diam., usually 3-6 cm, foliose, membranous, thin, ± rounded and adnate, deeply or shallowly and broadly lobate, smooth, in parts finely rugose or slightly and irregularly ridged or folded, pale or dark olive-green, rarely bluish, lower surface concolorous or bluish, rarely glossy, without isidia. Lobes few, ± rounded, imbricate, to 3 cm broad, sparsely lobulate (lobules ± rounded, margins entire sometimes a little undulate or ascending). Apothecia numerous and dense, sometimes crowded, laminal, sessile, constricted at base or rather broadly adnate, often immersed when very young and visible then as small dots, 0.5-0.7(-1) mm diam., disc plane to concave, rarely convex, pale red or dark red, white-pruinose or yellow-pruinose, pruina in young fruits, non-pruinose disc slightly glossy, thalline margin rather thick, entire, smooth, to finely wrinkled, not prominent, persistent or in convex fruits ± disappearing, a thin, pale proper margin is sometimes found. Ascospores (6-)8 per ascus, distichous or tristichous or polystichous (imbricate or at same level, straight, curved or bent in asci), fusiform to ± broadly acicular, when free straight or sometimes curved with ± acute sometimes extended ends, 6-8(-10)-celled, not constricted at septa (26-)40-65 × (4.5-)6-8.5 µm. Pycnidia often numerous, laminal, immersed, globose, usually thicker than thallus, 170-270 µm diam., visible as small swellings on both sides of the thallus.
Taxonomic concepts
Collema flaccidum var. laeve (Hook.f. & Taylor) C.Bab.
Collema laeve Hook.f. & Taylor
Collema laeve Hook.f. & Taylor
Collema laeve Hook.f. & Taylor
Collema laeve Hook.f. & Taylor
Leptogium patonii Stirt.
Collema laeve Hook.f. & Taylor
Synechoblastus laevis (Hook.f. & Taylor) Müll.Arg.
Collema laeve Hook.f. & Taylor
scientific name
1 January 2000
4 August 2009