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Astelia trinervia Kirk

Scientific name record
Names_Plants record source
Is NZ relevant
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This is indigenous
Threat status: Not threatened

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Astelia trinervia Kirk, Trans. New Zealand Inst. 4: 246 (1871 [1872])
Astelia trinervia Kirk

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New Zealand
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Astelia trinervia Kirk
Astelia trinervia

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Astelia trinervia Kirk

Robust tufted plant. Lvs to 100–300 × 2–4.5 cm., ± spreading; just above sheath narrow, keeled and tightly folded, covered in fine whitish felt; sheath broad, clad on both surfaces in white scales; lamina adaxially green, soon losing its inconspicuous scales; abaxially with a very light cover of scales; 3 principal nerves forming a close group on each side of midrib. Infl. at first erect and sts remaining so in fr., most parts covered with ± appressed scales; peduncles 30–70–(130) × c. 1 cm.; panicle 15–70 cm. long; lower spathes long; racemes ∞, lax and wide-spreading in male, stiffer and ± parallel to main axis in female, all except the smallest spathes subtending sub-infls of 3–(5) racemes. Fls pedicellate and us. well spaced; per. dull maroon, divided almost to base; tepals (2.5)–3–5–(6) mm. long, spreading in ♂, more erect in ♀, the surfaces exposed in bud scaly to tip. Ovary 1-locular, reddish with evident style. Fr. c. 4–5 mm. diam., globose with clearly projecting short style, deep crimson, ± translucent, seated on dry membr. per. Seeds < 2 mm. long, diam. c. ½ length, terete and ± curved, smooth and shining, the funicular end carunculate. n = 105.

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Astelia trinervia Kirk
Astelia trinervia Kirk
Astelia trinervia Kirk
Astelia trinervia Kirk
Astelia trinervia Kirk
Astelia trinervia Kirk
Astelia trinervia Kirk
Astelia trinervia Kirk
Astelia trinervia Kirk
Astelia trinervia Kirk

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Astelia trinervia Kirk
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Astelia trinervia Kirk
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Astelia trinervia Kirk
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Astelia trinervia Kirk
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Astelia trinervia Kirk
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Astelia trinervia Kirk
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Astelia trinervia Kirk
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
29 March 2004
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