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Uncinia rubra Colenso ex Boott

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Uncinia rubra Colenso ex Boott in Hooker, Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) Part I, 287, t. 64, fig. A (1853)

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Colenso ex Boott
287, t. 64, fig. A
Uncinia rubra Colenso ex Boott
Uncinia rubra

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Uncinia rubra Colenso ex Boott

Whole plant dark red, rarely reddish green, laxly caespitose or shortly rhizomatous. Culms 15–35 cm. × < 1 mm., rigid, minutely scabrid on the angles under the infl. Lvs 2–3–(5) per culm, much < to slightly > culm, (0.7)–1–2–(2.5) mm. wide, rather rigid, margins slightly scabrid, tapering rather abruptly towards the tip. Spikes 2.5–6–(7) cm. × 3–5 mm., us. ebracteate, female fls c. 10, sts aborted, internodes to 10 mm. long at base of spike, 3–6 mm. long above. Glumes = or < utricles, persistent, obtuse or lowermost subacute, coriac., red with a pale margin. Utricles 5–6–(6.5) mm. long, plano-convex, concavo-convex or subtrigonous, fusiform, striated, yellowish green, later yellow-brown, narrowed above to a beak 1–1.5 mm. long, and scarcely narrowed below to a paler stipe 1–1.5 mm. long.

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Uncinia rubra Colenso ex Boott
Uncinia rubra Boott
Uncinia rubra Colenso ex Boott
Uncinia rubra Boott
Uncinia rubra Colenso ex Boott
Uncinia rubra Colenso ex Boott
Uncinia rubra Boott
Uncinia rubra Colenso ex Boott
Uncinia rubra Boott

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Uncinia rubra Colenso ex Boott
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Uncinia rubra Colenso ex Boott
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Uncinia rubra Colenso ex Boott
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Uncinia rubra Colenso ex Boott
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
20 August 2015
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