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Hyperphyscia plinthiza (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.

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Hyperphyscia plinthiza (Nyl.) Müll.Arg., Bull. Herb. Boissier 2: 41 (1894)
Hyperphyscia plinthiza (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.

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New Zealand
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(Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
Hyperphyscia plinthiza

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Hyperphyscia plinthiza (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.

Thallus lobate, orbicular to spreading 5-12 cm diam., closely attached, corticolous. Lobes densely plicate-rugose centrally, imbricate at margins, margins entire, rounded, overlapping. Upper surface greyish-fawn or dirty greenish-grey, matt, scabrid or subpruinose in parts, wrinkled, often densely plicate. Lower surface pale or brown, rhizinate. Rhizines sparse, pale or brown. Apothecia frequent, sessile, constricted at base, scattered or densely crowded, rounded or contorted by mutual pressure, disc dark brown, concave at first becoming plane or subconvex with age, epruinose, margins thick, persistent, entire often ± crenulate, concolorous with thallus. Ascospores biseriate, ellipsoid or oblong, apices rounded, straight or slightly curved, 3-6(-8)-septate, (20-)27-44 × 11-24 µm.

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Hyperphyscia plinthiza (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
Hyperphyscia plinthiza (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
Hyperphyscia plinthiza (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
Hyperphyscia plinthiza (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
Hyperphyscia plinthiza (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
Hyperphyscia synthalea (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
Hyperphyscia plinthiza (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
Physcia plinthiza Nyl.
Hyperphyscia plinthiza (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
Physcia synthalea C.Knight
Hyperphyscia plinthiza (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
Rinodina macra Zahlbr.
Hyperphyscia plinthiza (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.

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Hyperphyscia plinthiza (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Hyperphyscia plinthiza (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Hyperphyscia plinthiza (Nyl.) Müll.Arg.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
25 August 2009
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