Aciphylla hookeri Kirk

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Aciphylla hookeri Kirk, Stud. Fl. New Zealand 209 (1899)
Aciphylla hookeri Kirk
Aciphylla hookeri Kirk
Aciphylla hookeri
Aciphylla hookeri Kirk
Tufted herb up to c. 3 dm. tall; stock us. simple. taproot stout. Lvs up to c. 2 dm. long, 2-1-pinnate. Sheath very thin, ± 7 × 1 cm., narrowing gradually to apex; stipules ± 10 mm. long, simple or sts with accessory seg.; petiole crenulate-serrulate, ± 4 cm. long; lower internodes rather distant. Primary pinnae up to 2 cm. long, with 1-(2) pairs of pinnules; all segs keeled, grooved, pungent, giving a squarrose appearance. Stems sts lfy below, stout, grooved, up to 3 dm. long including narrow paniculate infl. c. 15 cm. long. Bracts us. many, lflike, up to c. 10 cm. long; sheaths ± 5cm. long; stipules up to 10 mm. long, unequal, acicular; lamina pinnate, c. 5 cm. long, segs pungent. Umbels several, on 5-10 unequal slender rays < bracts. Umbellules small, on short slender rays. Fr. c. 4-5 mm. long; mericarps with 3-5 wings.
Slender, rather flaccid herb up to c. 3 dm. tall; lvs simple to trifoliolate to pinnate or bipinnate, up to 2 dm. long. Sheaths thin, ± 6 cm. × (4)-8 mm.; stipules 0 or unequal, filiform, up to 2 cm. long. Petioles very slender, up to c. 4 cm. long; internodes 0 or up to 25 mm. long. Primary pinnae occ. bipinnately divided near base, 2-4 distant pairs up to c. 7·5 cm. × 1-1·5 mm., pungent, margins minutely crenulate; ultimate segs up to c. 3 cm. × 1·5 mm. Stems of male plants up to c. 3 dm., sts ± lfy near base; infl. lax, up to ± 20 cm. long. Bracts ∞, lowest with compound lamina, upper with minute stipules and simple lamina; sheaths broad, up to c. 5 cm. long; stipules acicular, very slender, lower c. 10 mm. long; lower laminae on slender petioles up to 3 cm. long, with 1 pair of pinnae, or outer member or both absent. Umbels ∞, lowest on peduncles up to c. 5 cm. long; umbellules ± 5 mm. diam., on filiform rays up to 10 mm. long. Stems of female plants ± lfy near base. Bracts ∞, rather rigid, as in male plants. Umbels fewer than in male plants, on short erect peduncles, ± concealed by bracts. Fr. 3-5 mm. long; mericarps 5-3-winged.
Taxonomic concepts
Aciphylla hookeri Kirk
Aciphylla hookeri Kirk
Aciphylla hookeri Kirk
Aciphylla hookeri Kirk
Aciphylla hookeri Kirk
Aciphylla hookeri Kirk
Aciphylla hookeri Kirk
Aciphylla hookeri Kirk
Aciphylla hookeri Kirk
Aciphylla townsonii Cheeseman
Aciphylla hookeri Kirk
scientific name
1 January 2000
13 March 2006