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Epilobium petraeum Heenan

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Threat status: Naturally uncommon
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Epilobium petraeum Heenan, New Zealand J. Bot. 34: 41-45 (1996)
Epilobium petraeum Heenan

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New Zealand
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Epilobium petraeum Heenan
Epilobium petraeum

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Epilobium petraeum Heenan

Compact, dense, entirely glabrous, spreading herb, up to 40 cm diameter and 10 cm tall. Older stems prostrate or spreading; new stems erect, red, and visible because leaves spreading; not rooting at nodes. Leaves 15—24 × 4—7 mm, opposite, ovate, elliptic, or broad-elliptic, glossy, erect or spreading, longer than internodes, 3—5 teeth on each margin, adaxial surface dark-green and sometimes flushed red, abaxial surface red, margin and adaxial midrib usually red, base cuneate, apex obtuse or retuse; petiole 5-7 mm long, slender, channelled, appressed to the stem or spreading slightly. Inflorescence in upper part of stem, conspicuous; flowers hermaphrodite, erect; pedicel 2-4 mm long, green; bud pink. Sepals 4, 4-4.5 × 1.2—1.4 mm, oblong, not keeled, red, apex acute. Petals 4, 5-6 × 1.9-2.1 mm, obovate, white, apex notch 0.5-0.8 mm deep. Floral tube 1—1.2 mm deep, c. 2 mm wide. Ovary 12—14 mm long, green; style c. 2.3 mm long, white; stigma c. 1 × c. 0 4 mm, clavate, white. Stamens 8; anthers 0.5—0.7 × 4-4.5 mm, yellow; filaments white, unequal, longer 2—2.5 mm long, shorter 1—1.2 mm long. Capsule 35—55 × 1.4—1.8 mm, scarlet- red; pedicel 10-24 mm long, scarlet-red. Seeds 1—1.1 × 0.4—0.45 mm, pale brown, papillose but often flat on one surface; proximal end constricted, with acute apex; chalazal end with a very short, inconspicuous, neck; coma 4—5 mm long, white, easily detached. FL Dec-Jan, FT Jan-Mar.
A Epilobio crasso caulibus vel erectis vel patentibus et non ad nodos radicantibus, foliis minoribus, petiolo gracili, internodis visibilibus, et pedicello et capsula breviori, seminibusque pusillioribus distinguitur.

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Epilobium petraeum Heenan
Epilobium petraeum Heenan
Epilobium petraeum Heenan
Epilobium petraeum Heenan
Epilobium petraeum Heenan
Epilobium petraeum Heenan
Epilobium petraeum Heenan
Epilobium petraeum Heenan
Epilobium petraeum Heenan
Epilobium petraeum Heenan
Epilobium petraeum Heenan
Epilobium petraeum Heenan

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Epilobium petraeum Heenan
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Epilobium petraeum Heenan
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Epilobium petraeum Heenan
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Epilobium petraeum Heenan
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
2 September 2005
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