Pterostylis tasmanica D.L.Jones

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Pterostylis tasmanica D.L.Jones, Muelleria 8: 190-191 (1994)
Pterostylis tasmanica D.L.Jones
Pterostylis tasmanica D.L.Jones
Pterostylis tasmanica
2n = [52]
2n = c. 50, 50–54
2n = [50]
Pterostylis tasmanica D.L.Jones
Tuberous terrestrial herb growing in loose groups. Leaves 8-14, ovate-elliptical to elliptical-Ianceolate, 1-2.4 cm × 3-7 mm, dark green, some with a few whitish variegations, the lower ones petiolate, arranged in a tight rosette, distal ones sessile and closely stem-embracing, apex acuminate; petioles 1-8 mm × 1-1.5 mm, narrowly winged. Flowering plants 8-14 cm tall. Scape slender, smooth. Flower solitary (rarely 2), 1.8-2.5 cm long, translucent green with darker green longitudinal and transverse veins, brownish towards the apex of the galea and lateral sepals; galea erect in proximal two-thirds then obliquely erect or curved forwards nearly at right angles. Dorsal sepal 18-24 mm × 12-13 mm, inflated at the base and tapered to the apex, with a short apical point 0.5-1.5 mm long. Lateral sepals deflexed; conjoined part 7-9 mm × 3-4 mm, narrowed to c. 2 mm across at the base, with a thickened, dark green central pad, the margins incurved; free points 7-11 mm long, linear, thickened, usually brown, parallel or slightly divergent, apex subacute. Petals strongly asymmetric, falcate, 15-20 mm × 1.5-2 mm, dark green, narrowed in the distal half to an attenuated, long-acuminate apex; flange c. 0.5 mm across, obscure. Labellum porrect, curved, filiform, densely beset with yellow hairs, with an apical knob; lamina linear-filiform, 13-15 mm × c. 0.5 mm, widened into a narrowly ovate, slightly wrinkled base c. 1.5 mm across, then suddenly tapered into a short beak, tapered slightly from the base to the apex; trichomes 2-4 mm long, yellow, irregularly moniliform, a series of short, whitish erect hairs on the basal swelling; apical knob irregular, c. 2 mm × 1.3 mm, dark brown. Column 12-14 mm long, porrect from the end of the ovary. Column wings 4-5 mm long; basal lobe 1.5 mm × 1 mm, at an angle of about 20°, inner margins incurved, sparsely adorned with white cilia, apex obtuse; mid-section c. 3 mm long, transparent; apical lobe 3-4 mm, linear. Stigma c. 6-7 mm × 2.5 mm, elliptical, raised. Anther c. 1.8 mm long, shortly rostrate. Pollinia c. 2 mm long, oblong, yellow, mealy. Capsule obovoid, 1.2-1.6 cm × 6-8 mm, asymmetrical.
P. plumosae L.Cady aflinis statura humiliore, foliis et floribus parvioribus, floribus autogamatis, labello plumosiore dense et apice galeae breviore non-attenuata differt.
Taxonomic concepts
Plumatichilos tasmanicum (D.L.Jones) Szlach.
Plumatichilos tasmanicum (D.L.Jones) Szlach.
Plumatichilos tasmanicum (D.L.Jones) Szlach.
Plumatichilos tasmanicum (D.L.Jones) Szlach.
Plumatichilos tasmanicum (D.L.Jones) Szlach.
Pterostylis tasmanica D.L.Jones
Plumatichilos tasmanicum (D.L.Jones) Szlach.
Pterostylis barbata sensu Cheeseman
Pterostylis plumosa sensu Cooper
Pterostylis squamata sensu Hook.f.
Pterostylis tasmanica D.L.Jones
Pterostylis tasmanica D.L.Jones
Pterostylis tasmanica D.L.Jones
Pterostylis tasmanica D.L.Jones
Pterostylis tasmanica D.L.Jones
Pterostylis tasmanica D.L.Jones
Pterostylis tasmanica D.L.Jones
Pterostylis tasmanica D.L.Jones
Pterostylis tasmanica D.L.Jones
Pterostylis tasmanica D.L.Jones
scientific name
1 January 2000
9 April 2015