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Pyrenula dermatodes (Borrer) Schaer.

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Pyrenula dermatodes (Borrer) Schaer., Enum. Crit. Lich. Europ. 213 (1850)
Pyrenula dermatodes (Borrer) Schaer.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(Borrer) Schaer.
Pyrenula dermatodes

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Thallus epiphloeodal in broad patches, 4-6 cm diam., continuous to ± deeply and irregularly areolate-cracked, cortex pale yellowish-white to olivaceous, subverrucose, rather roughened, often eroded. Peritheciarather few, scattered, 1 per areole, immersed, often inconspicuous, to submergent or eroded leaving small pits, 0.1-0.4 mm diam., concave, flat to rarely subconvex, black, shining or ± obscured by a thin covering of cortical or bark cells. Ostiole prominent, gaping, with a distinct margin. Ascospores 4-locular, oblong-ovoid, (13.6-)17-20(-23) × (5.1-)6.8-8.3 µm. Chemistry: UV+ orange, UV+ bright blue-grey after charring, UV+ quench substance, UV+ grey after charring.
Thallus endophloeodal, olivaceous, often eroded and appearing whitish or greyish, in scattered, irregular patches or bands, 0.5-2.5 cm diam. Perithecia emergent, discrete rarely 2-3-confluent, minute 0.05-0.4 mm diam., rounded, hemispherical to ± flattened centrally, black, matt. Ostiole central, gaping. Ascospores uniseriate, ovoid to broadly ellipsoid or rarely lemon-shaped, 15.3-17.0 × (6.8-)8.3-10.2 µm. Chemistry: UV+ orange substance, UV+ green substance (UV+ blue after charring), UV+ violet substance after charring.

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Pyrenula dermatodes (Borrer) Schaer.
Pyrenula dermatodes (Borrer) Schaer.
Pyrenula dermatodes (Borrer) Schaer.
Pyrenula occulta (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
Pyrenula dermatodes (Borrer) Schaer.
Pyrenula pseudonitidella (C.Knight) D.J.Galloway
Pyrenula dermatodes (Borrer) Schaer.
Pyrenula straminescens Zahlbr.
Pyrenula dermatodes (Borrer) Schaer.
Verrucaria arthoniza C.Knight
Pyrenula dermatodes (Borrer) Schaer.
Verrucaria dermatodes Borrer
Pyrenula dermatodes (Borrer) Schaer.
Verrucaria nitida var. pseudonitidella C.Knight
Pyrenula dermatodes (Borrer) Schaer.
Verrucaria occulta C.Knight
Pyrenula dermatodes (Borrer) Schaer.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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Pyrenula dermatodes (Borrer) Schaer.
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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scientific name
20 September 2013
13 January 2017
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