Isolepis basilaris Hook.f.

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Isolepis basilaris Hook.f., Handb. New Zealand Fl. (1867)
Isolepis basilaris Hook.f.
Isolepis basilaris Hook.f.
Isolepis basilaris
Dwarf, dense, moss-like tufts to ± 5 cm high with stems hidden among numerous leaves. Inflorescence of 1- (2) pale green spikelets. Stamens usually 2. Style-branches usually 2. Nut minute, suborbicular, plano-convex, almost black.
Dwarf, dense, moss-like tufts 3–9 cm. across, bright green above, reddish brown below. Rhizome < 1 mm. diam., much branched; sheathing bract at each node loose, membr., with red nerves. Culms < 1.5 rarely up to 3 cm. long, < 0.5 mm. diam. Lvs 1–2 on each branch, much > culms, 0.5–4–(6) cm. long, < 0.5 mm. wide, setaceous, plano-convex; sheath membr., red-nerved. Infl. an apparently lateral, single spikelet, or rarely 2, hidden among the lvs, pale green, occ. with red markings; subtending bract lf-like, channelled, very much > culm from which it arises and almost = lvs. Spikelets 2.5–3.5 × 1.5–2 mm., elliptical or oblong. Glumes 1–2 mm. long, ovate, elliptical, obtuse, white and membr., or with patches of red on the sides; keel thick, green, occ. slightly excurrent. Hypog. bristles 0. Stamens 2, rarely 3. Style-branches 2, occ. 3. Nut c. 0.5 × 0.5 mm., c. ⅔ length of glume, obovoid to suborbicular, plano-convex, dorsally rounded, noticeably apiculate, red-brown to dark brown, almost black, surface often shining but distinctly reticulate.
Taxonomic concepts
Isolepis basilaris Hook.f.
Isolepis basilaris Hook.f.
Isolepis basilaris Hook.f.
Isolepis basilaris Hook.f.
Isolepis basilaris Hook.f.
Isolepis basilaris Hook.f.
Isolepis basilaris Hook.f.
Isolepis basilaris Hook.f.
Isolepis basilaris Hook.f.
Isolepis novae-zealandiae Colenso
Isolepis basilaris Hook.f.
Scirpus basilaris (Hook.f.) C.B.Clarke
Scirpus basilaris (Hook.f.) C.B.Clarke
Scirpus basilaris (Hook.f.) C.B.Clarke
Isolepis basilaris Hook.f.
scientific name
1 January 2000
26 June 2006