Pyrenula ravenelii (Tuck.) R.C.Harris

Pyrenula ravenelii (Tuck.) R.C.Harris, Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 49: 99 (1989)
Pyrenula ravenelii (Tuck.) R.C.Harris
(Tuck.) R.C.Harris
Pyrenula ravenelii
- Astrothelium ochrocleistum Nyl.
- Astrothelium prostratum Stirt.
- Astrothelium pyrenastroides (C.Knight) C.Knight
- Parmentaria prostrata (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
- Parmentaria pyrenastroides (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
- Pyrenastrum ravenelii Tuck.
- Pyrenula prostrata (Stirt.) D.J.Galloway
- Pyrenula pyrenastroides (C.Knight) D.J.Galloway
- Verrucaria pyrenastroides C.Knight
Thallus in irregular bands or patches, 1-6 cm diam., olive brownish or greyish-yellowish to greyish-cinerascent, matt, smooth to slightly roughened, ± deeply cracked-areolate, corticolous. Perithecia immersed (1-5 in a stroma) in scattered verrucae, 1-2.5 mm diam., rounded to somewhat irregular, hemispherical, single or 2-3 confluent, involucrellum 11-40 µm thick, carbonaceous, exciple reddish-brown or pale yellowish-brown, 10-30 µm thick. Ostiole apical, 0.05-0.1 mm diam., slightly depressed, grey-white to red-brown. Ascospores uniseriate, ovoid-ellipsoid, submuriform, 5-6 transverse septa with 1-2 locules per tier, (30-)35-40 × 11-12 µm, wall 1-1.5 µm thick.
Thallus yellowish-olive to pale yellow-grey or fawnish, in irregular patches or bands, 2-8(-12) cm diam., smooth, waxy, continuous, rarely irregularly cracked, matt or shining, often with minute, scattered, white spots (×10 lens), corticolous. Perithecia ± immersed to emergent, in scattered, rounded to irregular verrucae, 1-3 mm diam., flattened to slightly swollen, subhemispherical, often ± covered with cortex and bark cells and appearing ± frosted, eventually black and shining, 1-4 perithecia in a stroma, involucrellum 10-60 µm thick, black carbonaceous, exciple brownish-yellow, 10-25 µm thick. Ostiole apical, 0.1 mm diam., flat, subpunctate or slightly raised, yellow-brown or reddish to black, occasionally whitish-grey, often open to interior or perithecial cavity. Ascospores broadly ellipsoid or oblong with pointed ends, muriform, 7-11 transverse septa and with 2-5 locules per tier, 60-70 × 30-35 µm, wall 1.5-2 µm thick.
Taxonomic concepts
Astrothelium ochrocleistum Nyl.
Pyrenula ravenelii (Tuck.) R.C.Harris
Astrothelium ochrochleistum Nyl.
Astrothelium ochrochleistum Nyl.
Astrothelium prostratum Stirt.
Astrothelium prostratum Stirt.
Astrothelium pyrenastroides (C.Knight) C.Knight
Pyrenula ravenelii (Tuck.) R.C.Harris
Astrothelium pyrenastroides (C.Knight) C.Knight
Astrothelium pyrenastroides (C.Knight) C.Knight
Parmentaria prostrata (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
Pyrenula ravenelii (Tuck.) R.C.Harris
Parmentaria prostrata (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
Parmentaria prostrata (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
Parmentaria prostrata (Stirt.) Müll.Arg.
Parmentaria pyrenastroides (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
Pyrenula ravenelii (Tuck.) R.C.Harris
Parmentaria pyrenastroides (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
Parmentaria pyrenastroides (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
Parmentaria pyrenastroides (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
Pyrenastrum ravenelii Tuck.
Pyrenula ravenelii (Tuck.) R.C.Harris
Pyrenula prostrata (Stirt.) D.J.Galloway
Pyrenula prostrata (Stirt.) D.J.Galloway
Pyrenula prostrata (Stirt.) D.J.Galloway
Pyrenula pyrenastroides (C.Knight) D.J.Galloway
Pyrenula ravenelii (Tuck.) R.C.Harris
Pyrenula pyrenastroides (C.Knight) D.J.Galloway
Pyrenula pyrenastroides (C.Knight) D.J.Galloway
Pyrenula ravenelii (Tuck.) R.C.Harris
Pyrenula ravenelii (Tuck.) R.C.Harris
Pyrenula ravenelii (Tuck.) R.C.Harris
Verrucaria pyrenastroides C.Knight
Pyrenula ravenelii (Tuck.) R.C.Harris
Verrucaria pyrenastroides C.Knight
Verrucaria pyrenastroides C.Knight
Historic biostatus
Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region
scientific name
4 March 2013
13 January 2017