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Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.

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Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr. (1930)
Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
Usnea torulosa

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Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.

Thallus fruticose, erect or partly decumbent, branches short, stiff, to 5 cm tall, pale greenish-yellow or pale yellow or yellowish-white blackened at base, crowded and convergent at base. Branches uniform, mostly simple, straight or rarely curved, 1-1.5 mm thick, thinner at apices, cortex glossy, waxy, annulate- cracked or fissured in parts, occasionally slightly faveolate, with small, round to irregular, punctate to spreading pseudocyphellae which become granular- sorediate. Soredia granular in convex masses, yellowish or blackened. Apothecia not seen. Chemistry: Three distinct chemodemes are found in this species; (i): Psoromic, conpsoromic, ± squamatic and usnic acids. (ii): Squamatic and usnic acids (type has this chemistry). (iii): Barbatic 4-O-demethylbarbatic, squamatic (UV+ white) and usnic acids (type of has this chemistry).

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Usnea aurescens Motyka
Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
Usnea dasypogoides var. torulosa Müll.Arg.
Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
Usnea glomerata Motyka
Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
Usnea torulosa var. aurescens (Motyka) G.N.Stevens
Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.

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Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Usnea torulosa (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
15 February 2016
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