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Arthropodium candidum Raoul

Scientific name record
Names_Plants record source
Is NZ relevant
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This is indigenous
Threat status: Not threatened
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Arthropodium candidum Raoul (1844)
Arthropodium candidum Raoul

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New Zealand
Political Region

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Arthropodium candidum Raoul
Arthropodium candidum

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Arthropodium candidum Raoul

2n = 22
2n = 22
n = 11
n = 11

Arthropodium candidum Raoul

Delicate summergreen plants forming small colonies; a conical tuber c. 10 × 6 mm. forms at the base of each annual shoot, sts connected to that of the previous year by a slender rhizome up to 10 cm. long. Lvs c. 10–30 cm. × 3–10 mm., linear, ± flaccid; midrib and nerves inconspicuous; sheath membr. Infl. us. exceeding lvs; peduncle very slender, often < panicle; panicle narrow, either simple and raceme-like or with a few slender laterals; main bracts lflike. Fls solitary or in uneven-aged groups of 2–3; pedicels 1–2 cm. long, pale above the joint. Per. c. 1 cm. diam., white; tepals acute, subequal or the outer slightly broader. Stamens much < tepals; anther-tails almost wholly adnate to filament, white. Capsule c. 3 × 3.5 mm., sulcate; valves keeled and shortly horned towards base. Seeds c. 6 in each locule, to 1.4 mm. long, black with a surface pattern of minute hexagons. n = 11.

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Arthropodium candidum Raoul
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
Arthropodium candidum Raoul

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Arthropodium candidum Raoul
New Zealand
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Arthropodium candidum Raoul
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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