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Anisotome brevistylis (Hook.f.) Poppelw.

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Anisotome brevistylis (Hook.f.) Poppelw., Trans. New Zealand Inst. 47: 139 (1915)
Anisotome brevistylis (Hook.f.) Poppelw.

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New Zealand
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(Hook.f.) Poppelw.
Anisotome brevistylis

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Anisotome brevistylis (Hook.f.) Poppelw.

Rather stout; stems stiff, striate, up to ± 4 dm. long; stock stout. Lvs 2-3-pinnate, on petioles up to ± 15 cm. long; sheath 2-3 cm. long narrowed to apex; ligule 0 or obscure. Lamina (10)-15-20-(30) × 5-10-(15) cm.; narrow-oblong in outline. Primary pinnae 6-10 pairs. 4-7 × 3-5 cm.; secondary ± 2 × 1·5-2 cm.; tertiary pinnae or segs narrow-linear to filiform, (0·5)-1-2-(3) cm., rather distant, acicular. Umbels compound, us. several paniculately arranged. Primary rays unequal, slender, up to c. 3 cm. long; involucral bracts several, linear, acuminate, ± 5-10 mm. long. Secondary rays very short, ± = involucral bracts; umbellules ± 5 mm. diam. Fr. 3-4 mm. long; styles not >1 mm. long; mericarps with 5 narrow wings.

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Anisotome brevistylis (Hook.f.) Poppelw.
Anisotome brevistylis (Hook.f.) Poppelw.
Anisotome brevistylis (Hook.f.) Poppelw.
Anisotome brevistylis (Hook.f.) Poppelw.
Anisotome brevistylis (Hook.f.) Poppelw.
Anisotome brevistylis (Hook.f.) Poppelw.
Anisotome brevistylis (Hook.f.) Poppelw.
Anisotome brevistylis (Hook.f.) Poppelw.
Ligusticum brevistyle Hook.f.
Anisotome brevistylis (Hook.f.) Poppelw.

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Anisotome brevistylis (Hook.f.) Poppelw.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Anisotome brevistylis (Hook.f.) Poppelw.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Anisotome brevistylis (Hook.f.) Poppelw.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
13 April 2020
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