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Bondarzewia propria (Lloyd) J.A. Cooper 2016

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Bondarzewia propria (Lloyd) J.A. Cooper, Mycologia 108 701 (2016)
Bondarzewia propria (Lloyd) J.A. Cooper 2016

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New Zealand
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J.A. Cooper
(Lloyd) J.A. Cooper
Bondarzewia propria

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Dacrydium cupressinum Sol. Wellington. Botanical Gardens, March 1927, G.H.C.
Hymenophore annual, sessile, dimidiate, imbricate, hard and woody. Pileus applanate, to 12 cm. x 11 cm. x 6-16 mm.; surface rugulose, veined, and radiately striate, finely tomentose, zoned near the margin, bay brown to fawn, cuticle a somewhat indefinite layer 50-75 µ thick, of densely compacted palisade hyphae with rounded inflated ends; margin abruptly rounded, 4-5 mm. thick, vaguely zoned, entire; hymenial surface even, ochraceous, with a sterile margin 5-10 mm. broad, dissepiments not toothed. Context to 15 mm. thick, straw colour or pallid ochre, hard, firm, caseous, densely woven; skeletal hyphae 3-5 µ thick, lumen almost obliterated, bovista type, freely branched, branches tapering, aseptate, not staining; generative hyphae 3-4 µ thick, thin-walled, branched, septate, with clamp connections, staining; lactiferous ducts to 8 µ thick, thin-walled, contents staining deeply. Pores rounded or oval, 0.5-1 mm. deep, pallid ochre or straw colour, 100-500 µ diameter, or 2-3 per mm.; dissepiments 100-600 µ thick, equal, apex even. Basidial type clavate, basidia subclavate or cylindrical, 12-16 x 3-4 µ, soon collapsing. Spores subglobose, ovate, less commonly globose, 5-7 x 5-6 µ, echinulate, spines 0.5 µ long, hyaline, abundant.

New Zealand.

Growing imbricate upon dead standing stumps, associated with a white rot.

In certain micro-features the species resembles P. berkeleyi. Both possess echinulate globose spores, bovista type skeletal hyphae and lactiferous ducts. P. proprius differs in the sessile growth habit, habitat, thick context, thin pore layer, smaller more finely echinulate spores, rounded pores with thick, firm, non-toothed dissepiments.

But two collections of the species have been made, the type being named from a specimen forwarded to the late C.G.Lloyd by James Mitchell (no locality specified). According to Stevenson & Cash (1936, p. 115) it is no longer in the Lloyd collections at Washington, D.C.; consequently the neotype is that from which the above description has been drawn.

LOCALITY: New Zealand.

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Bondarzewia propria (Lloyd) J.A. Cooper 2016
New Zealand
Bondarzewia propria (Lloyd) J.A. Cooper 2016
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Bondarzewia propria (Lloyd) J.A. Cooper 2016
New Zealand
Bondarzewia propria (Lloyd) J.A. Cooper 2016
New Zealand
Bondarzewia propria (Lloyd) J.A. Cooper 2016
New Zealand
Bondarzewia propria (Lloyd) J.A. Cooper 2016
New Zealand
Bondarzewia propria (Lloyd) J.A. Cooper 2016
New Zealand

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scientific name
17 March 2014
1 September 2016
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