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Cyathodes fasciculata (G.Forst.) Allan

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(G.Forst.) Allan
Cyathodes fasciculata

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Cyathodes fasciculata (G.Forst.) Allan

Rather laxly branched spreading shrub up to c. 5 m. tall, varying in habit according to exposure; branches slender, bark black; branchlets pubescent, bark brownish. Lvs coriac., flat, patent; petioles obsolete. Lamina glab., green above, paler below; linear to narrow-lanceolate or linear-oblong, narrowed to base; ± 12-25 × 2-4 mm.; nerves 3-7, margins minutely ciliolate, denticulate; acute to acuminate, subpungent, rarely obtuse. Infl. of 6-12-fld axillary and terminal drooping racemes or spikes ± 1-3 cm. long. Bracts obtuse, ciliolate, appressed. Fls 3-4 mm. long; calyx ciliolate, lobes oblong to ovate-triangular, c. 2 mm. long. Corolla greenish white, tube slightly > calyx; lobes ovate-triangular acute to obtuse, ± hirsute to subglab. on upper surface. Fr. oblong in outline, 2-4 mm. long, red or rarely whitish; locules 2'-3.

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Cyathodes fasciculata (G.Forst.) Allan
Cyathodes fasciculata (G.Forst.) Allan
Cyathodes fasciculata (G.Forst.) Allan
Cyathodes fasciculata (G.Forst.) Allan

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Cyathodes fasciculata (G.Forst.) Allan
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Cyathodes fasciculata (G.Forst.) Allan
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Cyathodes fasciculata (G.Forst.) Allan
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
13 March 2002
26 April 2004
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