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Celmisia vespertina Given

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Celmisia vespertina Given, New Zealand J. Bot. 7: 389-393 (1969)
Celmisia vespertina Given

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New Zealand
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Celmisia vespertina Given
Celmisia vespertina

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Celmisia vespertina Given

Woody-based perennial herb arising from a multicipital stock. Leaf lamina linear, rigid but recurved, 5-15 cm × 3-5 mm; upper surface grooved, dark green, clad in a thick pellicle which becomes golden on drying; lower surface clad in thick appressed white tomentum, midrib prominent; margins entire, often revolute. Sheath 3-6 cm long, membranous, yellow-orange and clad in a thin pellicle. Scape 10-15 cm × 2-3 mm, bracts few. Involucral bracts erect, linear-oblong to subulate, acute, up to 12 mm long, inner narrower than outer; margins fringed with long white hairs, particularly near the base; surface almost glabrous; venation simple. Receptacle obconic, upper surface alveolate. Ray florets up to 2 cm long, limb linear and glabrous, tube narrow with a few eglandular hairs near top. In disc florets, corolla tube gradually narrowed from apex to base, glabrous or sparsely hairy with long biseriate hairs; stamen tip acute, anther tails short; style bifid, the arms differentiated into a lower parallel-sided papillose portion and an upper short-triangular portion bearing short collecting hairs. Pappus bristles unequal, up to 4 mm long, with closely spaced short teeth. Achene 2-3 × 0.5 mm, fusiform, compressed, strongly ribbed and clad in bifid hairs.
Herba perennis, basi lignea, ex caudice multicipiti exoriens. Folia recentia rosulata. Folii lamina linearis, rigida sed recurva, 5-15 cm × 3-5 mm; pagina superior sulcata, atro-viridis, pellicula aurea ubi sicca; pagina inferior tomento albo denso appressoque vestita. Vagina crocea. Involucri bracteae erectae, marginibus fimbriatis, paginis glabris, neryis simplicibus. In disci floribus corollae tubus sensim angustatus, glabrus vel sparsim villosus; pars sterilis styli brachiorum breve triangulata. Pappi setae ad 4 mm longae. Achenia 2-3 × 0.5 mm fusiformia pilis bifidis vestita.

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Celmisia insignis var. dura G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Celmisia vespertina Given
Celmisia insignis var. dura G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Celmisia vespertina Given
Celmisia vespertina Given
Celmisia vespertina Given
Celmisia vespertina Given
Celmisia vespertina Given
Celmisia vespertina Given
Celmisia vespertina Given
Celmisia vespertina Given
Celmisia vespertina Given
Celmisia vespertina Given
Celmisia vespertina Given
Celmisia vespertina Given
Celmisia vespertina Given
Celmisia vespertina Given
Celmisia vespertina Given
Celmisia vespertina Given

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Celmisia vespertina Given
[Not available]

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scientific name
1 January 2000
9 May 2006
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