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Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white" P.R. Johnst.

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Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white" P.R. Johnst.
Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white" P.R. Johnst.

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New Zealand
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P.R. Johnst.
P.R. Johnst.
invalidly published
Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white"

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sp. "shaggy white"

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Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white" P.R. Johnst.

Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white"

Apothecia with long, fine, flexuous, white hairs; known only on Dicksonia

Apothecia up to about 0.8 mm diam., stipitate, densely covered with long, flexuous, white hairs. Excipular cells 7-8 µm diam., more or less square in shape, with slightly thickened walls, hyaline. Hairs 150-300 x 3 µm, flexuous, undiffereniated to the apex, roughened all over. Paraphyses lanceolate, 4-5 µm diam. at a level near top of asci then tapering to narrow rounded apex, extending 20-30 µm beyond asci. Asci 40-55 x 4-5 µm, cylindric, tapering suddenly to small subtruncate apex, wall slightly thickened at apex, J+ pore extending right through the wall, flaring slightly towards the outside of the wall, 8-spored. Ascospores 8-12 x 1.5(-2) µm, cylindric, swollen near centre, ends rounded, uniform in shape to both ends, radially symmetrical, hyaline, 0-septate.
Found on pinnae of dead leaves, or on dead patches of living leaves, associated with slightly bleaching of leaves.
The ascospores are very similar in shape and size to those from PDD 108683, also with white hairs also on Dicksonia. This second species, known from a single specimen, differs phylogentically and has shorter hairs (50-100 µm).
L. brevisporum has similar long, white hairs, but lacks the lanceolate paraphyses, has slightly curved ascospores, and cylindric rather than more or less square excipular cells.

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Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white" P.R. Johnst.
Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white" P.R. Johnst.

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Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white" P.R. Johnst.
New Zealand
Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white" P.R. Johnst.
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white" P.R. Johnst.
New Zealand
Chatham Islands
Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white" P.R. Johnst.
New Zealand
Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white" P.R. Johnst.
New Zealand
Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white" P.R. Johnst.
New Zealand
Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white" P.R. Johnst.
New Zealand
Stewart Island
Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white" P.R. Johnst.
New Zealand
Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white" P.R. Johnst.
New Zealand
Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white" P.R. Johnst.
New Zealand
Lachnopsis sp. "shaggy white" P.R. Johnst.
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
informal herb. name

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scientific name
9 August 2019
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