Cordyline banksii Hook.f.

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Cordyline banksii Hook.f., The Gardeners' Chronicle 792 (1860)
Cordyline banksii Hook.f.
Cordyline banksii Hook.f.
Cordyline banksii
Vernacular names
Cordyline banksii Hook.f.
n = 19 bivalents
2n = 38
n = 19
Cordyline banksii Hook.f.
Plant to 4 m high; stems c. 10-15 cm diam., usually a number from near ground level, sparingly branched. Leaves 1-2 m × 4-8 cm, narrowed above base to channelled petiole ¼-1/5 leaf-length; midrib and several nerves prominent. Panicle lax, 1-2 cm long. Flowers fragrant, white; segments c. 10 mm long. Berry white or bluish.
Cordyline banksii Hook.f.
Plant to 4m. tall; stems c. 10–15 cm. diam., us. a number from near ground level, subequal and sparingly branched. Lvs 1–2 m. × 4–8 cm., broad at the middle and inclined to droop from there, narrowed above base into a channelled petiole that is rarely > ½ lamina-width and often occupies c. ¼ to 1/5 of lf-length; lamina paler abaxially; midrib flat adaxially, prominent and rounded abaxially; nerves unequal, several rather strong and sts differently coloured, meeting midrib at appreciable angle; margins laxly revolute. Peduncle stout, to 30–40 × 2 cm. Panicle to 1–2 m. long, broadly pyramidal, openly branched to third order, branches coming off at rather narrow angle; lower bracts green and foliaceous, the larger bracts and some of the smaller ones each us. associated with 2–4 minor branches as well as the major one; ultimate racemes c. 15–30 cm. long, 2 cm. or more diam. with fls on; axes visible between fls. Fls very fragrant; per. c. 10 mm. long, white; tepals shortly connate, patent. Stamens c. = tepals; filaments narrow. Stigma shortly trifid. Fr. c. 4–5 mm. diam., globose, white or bluish. Seeds c. 2 mm. diam., ± shining, 2 sides flat and one convex. 2n = 38.
Taxonomic concepts
Cordyline banksii Hook.f.
Cordyline banksii Hook.f.
Cordyline banksii Hook.f.
Cordyline banksii Hook.f.
Cordyline banksii Hook.f.
Cordyline banksii Hook.f.
Cordyline diffusa Colenso
Cordyline banksii Hook.f.
scientific name
1 January 2000
26 August 2015