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Coprosma australis (A.Rich.) Robinson

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(A.Rich.) Robinson
Coprosma australis

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Coprosma australis (A.Rich.) Robinson

Shrub or tree up to c. 6 m. tall; trunk slender (not always developed); branches and branchlets rather stout, glab. Lvs on petioles ± 2-5 cm. long. Stipules tapering from rather broad base to 2 conspicuous denticles, glab. Lamina membr. to subcoriac., subglossy green above, paler below, broadly elliptic to obovate; apex subacute, sts apiculate; rather gradually narrowed to petiole; (10)-15-20 × (5)-7-10 cm.; margins sts waved, sts ± crenulate. Reticulations close, conspicuous or evident on both surfaces. Fls in clusters on trichotomously branched peduncles up to c. 6 cm. long. ♂ with 4-5-toothed cupular calyx; corolla narrow-funnelform, lobes us. 5, acute, < tube; stamens us. 5. ♀ us. with small stipulate bracts at axils of branches; calyx-teeth us. 5, small, acute; corolla tubular, lobes 5, narrow-triangular, acute, ± = tube. Drupe reddish orange, oblong, 7-9 mm. long.

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Coprosma australis (A.Rich.) Robinson
Coprosma australis (A.Rich.) Robinson
Coprosma australis (A.Rich.) Robinson
Coprosma australis (A.Rich.) Robinson
Coprosma australis (A.Rich.) Robinson
Coprosma australis (A.Rich.) Robinson

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Coprosma australis (A.Rich.) Robinson
New Zealand
Coprosma australis (A.Rich.) Robinson
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District

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taxonomic status
In Connor & Edgar 1987: A.P. Druce (hic. comm.): "The use of C. australis as in Allan (op. cit.) is incorrect because the type of C. australis (A. Rich.) Robinson, based on Ronabea australis A. Rich. at P!, matches C. lucida Forst. et Forst. f. The next available name for the plants known here as C. australis is C. grandiflora Hook. f. ..."
In Connor & Edgar 1987: A.P. Druce (hic. comm.): "The use of C. australis as in Allan (op. cit.) is incorrect because the type of C. australis (A. Rich.) Robinson, based on Ronabea australis A. Rich. at P!, matches C. lucida Forst. et Forst. f. The next available name for the plants known here as C. australis is C. grandiflora Hook. f. "

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scientific name
13 March 2002
28 July 2020
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