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Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.

Scientific name record
Names_Plants record source
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Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb., Kongl. Svenska Vetensk. Acad. Handl. Ser. 3, 14: 77 (1934)

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(Colenso) Skottsb.
Collospermum hastatum

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Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.

Robust tufted plants, often in large colonies. Stem c. 2 cm. diam. Lvs 60–170 × 3–5–7 cm., arcuate; sheath gradually narrowing above by long cuneate shoulder, the lower portion us. black abaxially, sts shading into yellow, the basal 1–2 cm. clad in fine filiform white scales 1–2 cm. long; lamina adaxially dull green without scales in mature lf; abaxial surface more bronzed and permanently clad in peltate dark-centred scales. Infl. arching out from fan of lvs; peduncle c. = panicle; panicle of c. 4–8 cylindric racemes. Male racemes c. 15–20 × 3 cm.; fls cream, deeper yellow towards cup-shaped base; per.-segs 9–14 × (1)–1.5–2 mm., linear-oblong, the surfaces exposed in bud scaly; stamens c. 10 mm. long, ovary c. 2 mm. diam. Female racemes c. 20–30 × 2.5 cm., fls very pale cream; per.-tube c. 5 mm. long, cup-shaped, per.-segs c. 2–3 × 1 mm.; ovary subglobose, abruptly narrowed into short style. Fr. c. 4.5 mm. diam., globose, ± translucent yellow then red, cupped in thin membr. per.-tube. Seeds ∞, c. 1.4 × 0.7 mm., narrow-ovoid, black, dull, longitudinally ridged, surrounded by thick, = mucilaginous aril. n = 35.

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Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.

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Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
New Zealand
Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
6 August 2015
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