Rosa moschata hybrids

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Rosa moschata hybrids
Rosa moschata hybrids
Rosa moschata hybrids
Rosa moschata hybrids
Scrambling shrub, ± deciduous; stems often long and climbing to c. 4 m high or forming an extensive mound of intertwining, arching and layering branches, glabrous; armature of scattered, unequal, compressed, flattened, falcate prickles. Lvs with (2)-3-4 pairs of leaflets; petiole 18-30 mm long, usually with few to many glandular hairs and pricklets; stipules completely adnate, undulate and fringed with long broad-based eglandular hairs and short glandular hairs, otherwise glabrous. Lamina of leaflets 25-60 × 15-40 mm, elliptic to broadly elliptic (terminal one sometimes almost orbicular), rather deep or dark green and somewhat shining above, glabrous above and beneath; margins prominently serrate; base ± rounded; apex ± rounded or acute to shortly cuspidate. Fls c. 20-40 in loose clusters, single, 40-60 mm diam.; pedicels with numerous glandular hairs, with or without eglandular hairs. Sepals lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate or long-acuminate, tomentose inside, ± hairy, at least near margins, and with scattered to numerous glandular hairs outside; outer sepals often with 2-4 linear-elliptic lobes. Petals 20- c. 30 mm long, broadly obovate, white or creamy white. Styles free but forming a column, well-exserted, hairy. Fr. not seen.
Taxonomic concepts
scientific name
1 January 2000