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Pannaria durietzii (P.James & Henssen) Elvebakk & D.J.Galloway

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Pannaria durietzii (P.James & Henssen) Elvebakk & D.J.Galloway, Australas. Lichenol. 53: 6 (2003)
Pannaria durietzii (P.James & Henssen) Elvebakk & D.J.Galloway

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Elvebakk & D.J.Galloway
P.James & Henssen
(P.James & Henssen) Elvebakk & D.J.Galloway
Pannaria durietzii

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Thallus foliose-lobate, rosette-forming to irregularly spreading, 2-3(-5) cm diam., closely attached, with a blue-black, byssoid prothallus extending beyond lobe margins. Lobes irregularly divided, larger and radiating at margins, 2.0-3.5 mm wide, smaller and ± imbricate centrally, usually contiguous for most of their length but sometimes remaining discrete and widely separated on prothallus. Upper surface plane or concave, shining, smooth or rarely slightly roughened, bright lettuce-green when wet, yellowish or golden-brown when dry. Cephalodia frequent, laminal, originating at margins, to 1 mm diam., at first ± suborbicular, flattened, often becoming unequally lobed with indented margins, pale brown, yellowish-flesh-coloured or concolorous with thallus, at first with numerous blue-grey, granular soredia on underside and at margins, finally spreading to upper surface, conspicuously dark grey-blue when wet. Lower surface pale ochraceous, ± densely rhizinate. Rhizines blue-black to black, simple, in a ± uniform felt to the margins. Apothecia rare, when present abundant, crowded, ± central, variously contorted-angular through mutual pressure, 0.5-1.5 mm diam., globose, sessile, ± cupuliform, constricted at base, disc pale pink to red-brown, ± white-pruinose, often with faint, pale concentric lines, often fissured, thalline margin well-developed, involute or radially crenate, often ± fissured. Ascospores oval or rounded 12-15 × 10-13 µm, epispore roughened or irregularly ridged 2.0-2.5 µm thick. Chemistry: Medulla K+ yellow, C-, KC+ yellow, Pd+ red. Pannarin, zeorin and two unidentified pigments.

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Pannaria durietzii (P.James & Henssen) Elvebakk & D.J.Galloway
Pannaria durietzii (P.James & Henssen) Elvebakk & D.J.Galloway
Psoroma durietzii P.James & Henssen
Pannaria durietzii (P.James & Henssen) Elvebakk & D.J.Galloway

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Pannaria durietzii (P.James & Henssen) Elvebakk & D.J.Galloway
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Pannaria durietzii (P.James & Henssen) Elvebakk & D.J.Galloway
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Pannaria durietzii (P.James & Henssen) Elvebakk & D.J.Galloway
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Pannaria durietzii (P.James & Henssen) Elvebakk & D.J.Galloway
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Pannaria durietzii (P.James & Henssen) Elvebakk & D.J.Galloway
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Pannaria durietzii (P.James & Henssen) Elvebakk & D.J.Galloway
New Zealand
Westland Land District
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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scientific name
23 February 2009
11 March 2010
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