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Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth 1980 [1979]

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Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth, Act. Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 25 403 (1980 [1979])
Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth 1980 [1979]

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New Zealand
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(Dudka) Tóth
Vargamyces aquaticus

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MID CANTERBURY: Christchurch Botanical Garden, dead twig of Nothofagus fusca, 9 Sep 2001, PDD 74561; Goose Bay, dead wood, 9 Feb 2002, PDD 75006.
Colonies scattered, shining. Conidiophores semi-macronematous, hyaline to light brown. Conidiogenesis holoblastic, sympodial. Conidia brown, unequally pigmented, 100–170 × 15–20 µm, and constricted at 5–11 conspicuous septa. Conidia fracturing unequally, some retaining remnants of conidiophore.
New record from New Zealand. The conidia of this species are large and distinctive, and the fungus appears to be quite common on submerged litter, and has been widely, but infrequently, reported, e.g., Gönczöl et al. (1990), Hyde & Goh (1999). The combination of this species in the genus Xylomyces by Hyde & Goh (1999) implies that the “conidia” are chlamydospores (see Goh et al. 1997).

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Repetophragma ontariense (Matsush.) W.P. Wu 2005
Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth 1980 [1979]
Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth 1980 [1979]
Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth 1980 [1979]
Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth 1980 [1979]
Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth
Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth 1980 [1979]
Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth 1980 [1979]
Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth 1980 [1979]
Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth 1980 [1979]
Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth 1980 [1979]
Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth 1980 [1979]
Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth
Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth 1980 [1979]
Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth (1980) [1979]
Xylomyces aquaticus (Dudka) K.D. Hyde & Goh
Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth 1980 [1979]

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Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth 1980 [1979]
New Zealand
Vargamyces aquaticus (Dudka) Tóth 1980 [1979]
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury

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scientific name
14 January 2003
2 August 2012
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