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Cortinarius trichocarpus Soop 2016

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Cortinarius trichocarpus Soop, New Zealand J. Bot. [8 of 22] (2016)
Cortinarius trichocarpus Soop 2016

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New Zealand
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[8 of 22]
Cortinarius trichocarpus Soop 2016
Cortinarius trichocarpus
New Zealand. North Canterbury, Arthurs Pass, Coral Track, in Fuscospora solandri forest, 20 Apr 1999, K. Soop CO1029, holotype PDD 103637, GenBank KF727354 (ITS), KF727335 (LSU).

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Cortinarius trichocarpus Soop 2016

Comments. This is a robust species with a violaceous tint in lamellae and context and a copious, yellowish veil. It recalls Cortinarius xenosma Soop and Cortinarius cupreonatus Soop, but is generally larger with larger spores. Available molecular data place C. trichocarpus near the Rozites-like Cortinarius wallacei Soop. Moreover, the species may be regarded as an agaricoid form of a morphospecies that includes the secotioid Cortinarius ohauensis (Soop) Peintner & M. Moser, since their sequences (ITS + LSU) deviate by only four nuclear substitutions. The species has not been recorded again in New Zealand, but it was deemed worth publishing it in this study in view of its importance for the taxonomy of the genus.

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Cortinarius trichocarpus Soop 2016
Cortinarius trichocarpus Soop (2002)
Cortinarius trichocarpus Soop 2016
Cortinarius trichocarpus Soop (2002)
Cortinarius trichocarpus Soop 2016
Cortinarius trichocarpus Soop (2002)
Cortinarius trichocarpus Soop 2016
Cortinarius trichocarpus Soop (2002)
Cortinarius trichocarpus Soop 2016
Cortinarius trichocarpus Soop

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Cortinarius trichocarpus Soop 2016
New Zealand
North Canterbury

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taxonomic status
Name used in Soop 2002 and Soop 2003, but formally published in 2016
New Zealand. North Canterbury, Arthurs Pass, Coral Track, in Fuscospora solandri forest, 20 Apr 1999, K. Soop CO1029, holotype PDD 103637, GenBank KF727354 (ITS), KF727335 (LSU).

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scientific name
16 May 2003
26 April 2023
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