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Ilyonectria macroconidialis (Brayford & Samuels) Rossman, L. Lombard & Crous 2015

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Ilyonectria macroconidialis (Brayford & Samuels) Rossman, L. Lombard & Crous in Lombard et al., Studies in Mycology 80 217 (2015)
Ilyonectria macroconidialis (Brayford & Samuels) Rossman, L. Lombard & Crous 2015
Rossman, L. Lombard & Crous
Brayford & Samuels
(Brayford & Samuels) Rossman, L. Lombard & Crous
Ilyonectria macroconidialis
Additional specimens examined: New Zealand. North Island. Taranaki: Inglewood County, Everett Park, on base of dead leaf of Cordyline sp., I Oct, 1973, G.J. & C. Samuels 73-216 (PDD 32662). Gisborne: Urewera National Park, Lake Waikaremoana, track to Lake Waikariiti, on decaying leaves of Astelia sp., 29 May 1983, Samuels (83-162), Johnston, Matsushima & Rossman (PDD 46340, culture as IMI 313234); same collecting data and host, 11 May 1985, Samuels (85-59) & Kohn (PDD 47760, ICMP 9349, IMI 332705).
Teleomorph: Perithecia identical to those of N. radicicola, 220-280 µm diam. Asci clavate, (42-) 47.9-64 (-80) x (6-) 6.2-7.9 (-9) µm, apex with a refractive ring, 8-spored, ascospores partially to completely 2-seriate, completely filling each ascus or a portion of each ascal base empty. Ascospores narrowly ellipsoidal, (9-)9.6-11.6(-12) x (2-)2.7-3.3(-3.5) µm, equally 2-celled, not constricted at the septum, smooth, colourless.
Anamorph: Conidiophores in nature arising directly from the surface of the substrate, macronematous, mononematous, 60-625 long x 2-5 µm, wide at tip x 4-7 µm wide at base, unbranched, septate, with a single phialide 65-75 µm long terminating each conidiophore. Conidia cylindrical with tip cell blunt or narrowed, (52-) 62-93 (-105) x (5-) 7.9-10.7 (-11), often with a slightly protuberant, flat basal abscission scar, (4-)7(-10)-septate, held in a colourless mass of slime at the tip of each conidiophore.
Colonies on PDA 50-55 mm diam after 10 d at 20°, with white to buff aerial mycelium, or becoming flat and slimy in appearance. Cultures becoming sienna to cinnamon from below, with pale margin. Conidiophores forming abundantly on small, colourless sporodochia, scattered on the agar surface, and in the aerial mycelium, macronematous, 40-155 µm long x 1-4 µm wide at tip x 3-5 µm wide at base, unbranched, septate, with a single phialide 38-50 µm long terminating each conidiophore. Macroconidia straight or slightly curved, cylindrical with obtuse ends and often having a protruding basal abscission scar, 3-5 (-7)-septate; 3-septate conidia ranging from (30-) 38-52 (-81) x (4-) 5-7 (-8) µm. Microconidia sparse or absent. Distinct mycelial chlamydospores not observed.
Anamorph: Conidiophores in nature arising directly from the surface of the substrate, macronematous, mononematous, 60-625 long x 2-5 µm, wide at tip x 4-7 µm wide at base, unbranched, septate, with a single phialide 65-75 µm long terminating each conidiophore. Conidia cylindrical with tip cell blunt or narrowed, (52-) 62-93 (-105) x (5-) 7.9-10.7 (-11), often with a slightly protuberant, flat basal abscission scar, (4-)7(-10)-septate, held in a colourless mass of slime at the tip of each conidiophore.
Colonies on PDA 50-55 mm diam after 10 d at 20°, with white to buff aerial mycelium, or becoming flat and slimy in appearance. Cultures becoming sienna to cinnamon from below, with pale margin. Conidiophores forming abundantly on small, colourless sporodochia, scattered on the agar surface, and in the aerial mycelium, macronematous, 40-155 µm long x 1-4 µm wide at tip x 3-5 µm wide at base, unbranched, septate, with a single phialide 38-50 µm long terminating each conidiophore. Macroconidia straight or slightly curved, cylindrical with obtuse ends and often having a protruding basal abscission scar, 3-5 (-7)-septate; 3-septate conidia ranging from (30-) 38-52 (-81) x (4-) 5-7 (-8) µm. Microconidia sparse or absent. Distinct mycelial chlamydospores not observed.
Known distribution: New Zealand (North Island).
Habitat: On dead leaves of Astelia, Collospermum and Cordyline.
Omnia var. radicicolae Gerlach & Nilsson sed statu anamorphico differt, coloniis in agaro pallidis dein reversis senatis vel cinnamomeis et conidiis (30-)38-52(-81) x (4-)5-7(-6) µm.
Holotypus: New Zealand. North Island. Waikato: vic. Te Awamutu, Mt Pirongia, track to Mahaukura, on leaves of Collospermum hastatum (Col.) Skottsb., 27 Aug, 1979, G.J. & C. Samuels 79-97 (PDD 40005, culture ex type as IMI 313230).
Status anamorphicus Cylindrocarpon macroconidialis Brayford & Samuels, sp. nov.
Cylindrocarpo destructi similis sed coloniae in agaro pallidae dein reversis senatis vel cinnamomeis et conidiis (30-) 38-52(-8 1) x (4-) 5-7 (-8) µm.
Holotypus: IMI 313230, culto agaro dessicato, ex ascosporae Nectriae radicicola var. macroconidiali 79-97. Collection data as teleomorph.
Holotypus: New Zealand. North Island. Waikato: vic. Te Awamutu, Mt Pirongia, track to Mahaukura, on leaves of Collospermum hastatum (Col.) Skottsb., 27 Aug, 1979, G.J. & C. Samuels 79-97 (PDD 40005, culture ex type as IMI 313230).
Status anamorphicus Cylindrocarpon macroconidialis Brayford & Samuels, sp. nov.
Cylindrocarpo destructi similis sed coloniae in agaro pallidae dein reversis senatis vel cinnamomeis et conidiis (30-) 38-52(-8 1) x (4-) 5-7 (-8) µm.
Holotypus: IMI 313230, culto agaro dessicato, ex ascosporae Nectriae radicicola var. macroconidiali 79-97. Collection data as teleomorph.
The teleomorph of N. radicicola var. macroconidialis cannot be distinguished morphologically from that of N. radicicola var. radicicola. However, the distinctive anamorph was found on all four of the specimens of the large-conidial variety, thus making its identification easy. The dark, chestnut brown pigmentation found in cultures of C. destructans was not observed. Isolate IMI 332705 (PDD 47760) formed much larger conidia in culture than did any of the other isolates of this variety, including IMI 313234 (PDD 46340) collected in the same locality and on the same substrate but two years earlier. Cylindrocarpon theobromicola C. Booth may form similarly sized macroconidia but they arise from short, irregularly branching, densely clustered conidiophores rather than the elongated conidiophores found in C. macroconidialis.
Taxonomic concepts
Cylindrocarpon macroconidialis Brayford & Samuels
Ilyonectria macroconidialis (Brayford & Samuels) Rossman, L. Lombard & Crous 2015
Cylindrocarpon macroconidialis Brayford & Samuels (1990)
Cylindrocarpon macroconidialis Brayford & Samuels (1990)
Ilyonectria macroconidialis (Brayford & Samuels) Rossman, L. Lombard & Crous 2015
Ilyonectria macroconidialis (Brayford & Samuels) Rossman, L. Lombard & Crous
Ilyonectria macroconidialis (Brayford & Samuels) Rossman, L. Lombard & Crous 2015
Nectria radicicola var. macroconidialis Samuels & Brayford (1990)
Nectria radicicola var. macroconidialis Samuels & Brayford
Ilyonectria macroconidialis (Brayford & Samuels) Rossman, L. Lombard & Crous 2015
Nectria radicicola var. macroconidialis Samuels & Brayford (1990)
Nectria radicicola var. macroconidialis Samuels & Brayford (1990)
Neonectria macroconidialis (Samuels & Brayford) Seifert
Neonectria macroconidialis (Samuels & Brayford) Seifert
Ilyonectria macroconidialis (Brayford & Samuels) Rossman, L. Lombard & Crous 2015
Neonectria macroconidialis (Samuels & Brayford) Seifert
Global name resources
scientific name
11 February 2015
8 October 2024