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Pilophoron (Tuck.) Tuck.

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Pilophoron (Tuck.) Tuck.
Pilophoron (Tuck.) Tuck.

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(Tuck.) Tuck.

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Thallus dimorphic. Primary thallus crustose, granular or subsquamulose, spreading, green to grey-green. Pseudopodetia to 2.5 cm tall, often very short, terete, hollow, often fissured, 1-1.5 mm diam., often 2-4 branched at apices. Surface granular, of ± dispersed areolae. Photobiont green, . Cephalodia present, containing or . Apothecia terminal at apices of pseudopodetia, disc black or brown-black, ± globular to conglomerate when mature. Ascospores colourless, simple, elongate-ellipsoid, 8 per ascus. Pycnidia frequent, black, bottle-shaped, at apices of sterile pseudopodetia or on primary thallus.

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The complexities of the correctly applied genus ending to determine whether this taxon should ber Pilophoron, Pilophorum or Pilophorus, and hence endings of species epithets, has not been dealt with here. Galloway (2007) used Pilophoron as the genus for synonyms of his Metus conglomeratus'; Index Funogorum (veiwed 22/09/2022) accepts Pilophorus Th. Fr., Stereoc. Piloph. Comm.: 40 (1857); Mycobank (also viewed 22/09/2022) accepts Pilophorum Nyl., Botaniska Notiser 1857: 167 (1857), with Pilophorus Th. Fr., Stereoc. Piloph. Comm.: 40 (1857) and Pilophoron Nyl., Mémoires de la Société Impériale des Sciences Naturelles de Cherbourg 5: 96 (1858) as synonyms.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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