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Septoria tritici Desm. 1842

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Septoria tritici Desm. 1842
Septoria tritici

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Septoria tritici Desm. 1842

Wenham (1959) showed that in some seasons if the spring months have been cold and wet Septoria, leaf blotch can be of major importance in wheat crops in both Canterbury and the Manawatu district. He also stated that among the New Zealand bred wheat varieties, `Cross 7' was highly susceptible to Septoria leaf blotch, whereas the newer varieties 'Hilgendorf', `Aotea', and `Arawa' showed considerable field resistance. Sanderson (1964b) conducted plot trials at Lincoln, Canterbury, to demonstrate the loss in yield due to Septoria leaf blotch. He substantiated Wenham's finding that the variety `Hilgendorf' was resistant to the disease.

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Septoria tritici Desm. 1842
Septoria tritici Desm. (1842)
Septoria tritici Desm. 1842
Septoria tritici Desm. 1842
Septoria tritici Desm. 1842
Septoria tritici Desm. (1842)
Septoria tritici Desm. 1842
Septoria tritici Desm. (1842)

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scientific name
14 December 2012
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