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Phallogaster globosus Lloyd 1917

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Phallogaster globosus Lloyd, Myc. Writ. 5 739 (1917)
Phallogaster globosus Lloyd 1917

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New Zealand
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dubious name
Phallogaster globosus Lloyd 1917
Phallogaster globosus
Specimen: 22591 (Type), W. A. Scarfe, Caversham, New Zealand

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Phallogaster globosus Lloyd 1917

TYPE: NEW ZEALAND, DUNEDIN, Caversham, W. Scarfe (Lloyd 22951), ?date (holotype BPI).
REMARKS: This taxon was described from one basidioma forwarded to Lloyd in formalin. The specimen has since been dried, and microscopic details have proved difficult to resolve. Lloyd's description and illustration indicate that in general appearance it resembles Protubera hautuensis and P. parvispora. It appears, however, to differ from both in microstructure, the salient features of which we determined as follows: peridium 2-layered, epicutis thin, hyphae 3-4 µm diam. protruding from surface, clamp connections present, pale brown, interwoven underlying layer intergrading into subcutis of inflated cells up to 35 x 20 µm, sutures present; glebal trama of compact, interwoven hyphae 2-5 µm diam., larger near subcutis, mostly collapsed, some capitate to 12 pm diam. at apex; spores 4-5 x 1.5-2 µm.
It does not fit comfortably in Phallogaster, which otherwise comprises one Northern Hemisphere species, Phallogaster saccatus Morgan, characterised by a distinct, sterile, stipitate base and flaking peridium. We suspect that it represents a species of Protubera, but in the absence of further collections and information on its fresh appearance we make no decision. We disagree with Cunningham (1944), who suggested that the species was based on a phalloid egg "probably that of Clathrus cibarius".

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Phallogaster globosus Lloyd 1917
Phallogaster globosus Lloyd (1917)
Phallogaster globosus Lloyd 1917
Phallogaster globosus Lloyd 1917
Phallogaster globosus Lloyd (1917)
Phallogaster globosus Lloyd 1917
Phallogaster globosus Lloyd (1917)

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taxonomic status
nom. dub.
Specimen: 22591 (Type), W. A. Scarfe, Caversham, New Zealand

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scientific name
1 January 2000
27 April 2006
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