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Aleurobotrys botryosus (Burt) Boidin, Lanq. & Gilles 1986 [1985]

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Aleurobotrys botryosus (Burt) Boidin, Lanq. & Gilles, Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 101 355 (1986 [1985])
Aleurobotrys botryosus (Burt) Boidin, Lanq. & Gilles 1986 [1985]

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New Zealand
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associated with exotic plants in urban areas as well as natives

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Boidin, Lanq. & Gilles
(Burt) Boidin, Lanq. & Gilles
Aleurobotrys botryosus

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CONIFERAE. Callitris cupressiformis: Auckland, Huia, 30 m. EPACRIDACEAE. Cyathodes fasciculata: Auckland, Kawakawa Bay. FILICALES. Pteridium esculentum: Auckland, Cornwallis, 20 m; Hatepe, Lake Taupo, 500 m. MYRTACEAE. Eucalyptus globulus: Auckland, Campbells Bay, 85 m; Mt. Eden, 120 m. Feijoa sellowiana: Auckland, Mt. Albert, 35 m. PITTOSPORACEAE. Pittosporum tenuifolium: Auckland, Whitianga Road, Coromandel Peninsula, 300 m; Waitetoki, Lake Taupo, 450 m. PROTEACEAE. Knightia excelsa: Auckland, Mt. Te Aroha, 300 m. RUBIACEAE. Coprosma arborea: Auckland, Little Barrier Island. Coprosma rhamnoides: Auckland, Huia, 20 m. Coprosma robusta: Auckland, Coromandel Peninsula, 250 m. SAXIFRAGACEAE. Carpodetus serratus: Auckland, Oratia, Waitakere Ranges, 300 m. Escallonia vulgaris: Auckland, Mt. Albert, 35 m. SCROPHULARIACEAE. Hebe salicifolia: Auckland, Hicks Bay, 100 m; Kawakawa, coast. VERBENACEAE. Vitex lucens: Auckland, Huia, coast.
Hymenophore annual, membranous, adherent, effused forming linear areas to 10 x 1 cm, or appearing as numerous scattered linear colonies 2-10 mm long; hymenial surface white, even, at length deeply irregularly creviced; margin sharply defined, white, adherent. Context white, 100-300 µm thick, basal layer scanty, of parallel hyphae, intermediate layer of scanty erect hyphae; generative hyphae 3-4 µm diameter, walls 0.2 µm thick, naked, without clamp connections. Acanthophyses arising in the base of the intermediate layer, forming the bulk of the hymenial layer, stems simple, apices botryose, branchlets often terminating in minute, inflated, rounded, amyloid beads. Gloeocystidia arising in the base of the intermediate layer, some penetrating to the surface, oval, obovate, or clavate, 20-40 x 16-28 µm. Hymenial layer to 60 µm deep, a scanty palisade of basidia, paraphyses, gloeocystidia, and acanthophyses. Basidia cylindrical or with the middle slightly constricted, 50-65 x 16-20 µm, bearing 4 spores; sterigmata arcuate, subulate, to 16 µm long. Paraphyses subclavate, 24-32 x 10-12 µm. Spores obovate or oval, 12-15 x 7-10 µm, walls smooth, hyaline, 0.2 µm thick, amyloid.
DISTRIBUTION: North America, France, South Africa, New Zealand.
HABITAT: Effused on bark of dead attached twigs, branches and fern stipes.
Readily identified by the botryose acanthophyses, obovate or oval gloeocystidia, and obovate smooth spores. Acanthophyses terminate in branched clusters resembling miniature bunches of grapes. Ends of branchlets stain blue when sections are treated with Melzer's reagent. Gloeocystidia are oval or obovate, a few clavate, abundant and conspicuous in sections. Although the species is relatively abundant in New Zealand, with an extensive host range, it appears to be uncommon in North America, and there confined to stems of Rubus and Vitis.

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Aleurobotrys botryosus (Burt) Boidin, Lanq. & Gilles 1986 [1985]
Aleurobotrys botryosus (Burt) Boidin, Lanq. & Gilles (1986) [1985]
Aleurobotrys botryosus (Burt) Boidin, Lanq. & Gilles 1986 [1985]
Aleurobotrys botryosus (Burt) Boidin, Lanq. & Gilles (1986) [1985]

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Aleurobotrys botryosus (Burt) Boidin, Lanq. & Gilles 1986 [1985]
[Not available]

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19 July 1998
15 February 2006
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