Laccaria laccata sensu G. Stev. 1964

Laccaria laccata sensu G. Stev. 1964
(1) coll. J. E. C. Aberdeen, Queensland, 4.8.1952; spores globose, 8-9 µm diam., spines in, close-set.
(2) coll. R. W. G. Dennis, Portugal, 16.10.1955; spores ovoid 8-9 x 10-11 µm, spines 0.5 µm.
(3) Herbarium Berkeley, coll. in Tasmania; spores ovoid 8-9 x 10-11 µm, spines 0.5 µm.
Lange (1935) describes the spores of C. (Laccaria) laccata var. proxima, as ovate-globose, minutely echinulate, 7.5-9 x 6.75-7.5 µm, with spines 1 µm long, but mentions also collections with large globose, spores and comments, probably the form of the spore is not constant; Rea (1922) states that both elliptical and globose spores have been found on the same plant, but this does not seem to have been confirmed and is contrary to the writer's observations.
New Zealand collections which have been examined usually have globose spores, 9-10 µm diam., with well-developed spines, but ovoid spores have also been seen. More information about the distribution of spore forms in relation to macroscopic characters would be interesting.