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Echinostelium apitectum K.D. Whitney 1980

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Echinostelium apitectum K.D. Whitney, Mycologia 72 954 (1980)
Echinostelium apitectum K.D. Whitney 1980

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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K.D. Whitney
K.D. Whitney
Echinostelium apitectum K.D. Whitney 1980
Echinostelium apitectum

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Echinostelium apitectum K.D. Whitney 1980

DWM 5499
Fruiting body a stalked sporangium, scattered or gregarious, 100–350 µm tall. Sporotheca globose, erect or nodding, pale pink or white, 30–65 µm in diameter. Stalk translucent, white or pale yellow, 70–290 µm long. Hypothallus inconspicuous. Peridium not persisting in mature fruiting bodies except as a collar at the base of the sporotheca. Columella a short peg-like structure enclosed in a globose, spore-like covering. Capillitium absent. Spores pale pink or pale tan in mass, colourless to pale pink or pale grey by transmitted light, more or less smooth, 6–10 µm in diameter. Plasmodium colourless.
Reported from Africa (Ing 1999), Asia (Yamamoto 1998), Australia (Mitchell 1995), Europe (Lado & Pando 1997), and North America (Whitney 1980), but never common. Not reported in print as occurring in New Zealand but appearing in moist chamber culture on bark samples from an unidentified tree. The bark samples were collected in Auckland.
Bark of living trees
Whitney (1980), Lado & Pando (1997), Ing (1999).

The spore-like structure at the apex of the stalk is the distinguishing feature of this species. In some specimens, this structure has a pronounced saucer-shaped base and the peg-like internal columella is lacking. Such specimens are recognized as a separate species (Echinostelium vanderpoelii) by some authors.

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Echinostelium apitectum K.D. Whitney 1980
Echinostelium apitectum K.D. Whitney (1980)
Echinostelium apitectum K.D. Whitney 1980
Echinostelium apitectum K.D. Whitney (1980)
Echinostelium apitectum K.D. Whitney 1980
Echinostelium apitectum K.D. Whitney (1980)

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scientific name
1 January 2001
20 November 2001
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