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Hispidula rubra P.R. Johnst. 2003

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Hispidula rubra P.R. Johnst., New Zealand J. Bot. 41 693 (2003)
Hispidula rubra P.R. Johnst. 2003

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New Zealand
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P.R. Johnst.
P.R. Johnst.
Hispidula rubra P.R. Johnst. 2003
NZ holotype
Hispidula rubra
New Zealand: Mid Canterbury: Arthur’s Pass National Park, Scotts Tr., on fallen leaves Dracophyllum traversii, P. R. Johnston D1459.2, 9 Feb 1989, holotype PDD 71644

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Hispidula rubra P.R. Johnst. 2003

ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NEWZEALAND: BAY OF PLENTY: Mt Te Aroha, summit, on fallen leaves Dracophyllum traversii, P. R. Johnston D323, 30 Apr 1988, PDD 54884. BULLER: Paparoa Range, Croesus Track, vic. Garden Gully Hut, on fallen leaves D. traversii, P.R. Johnston D93, G. J. Samuels & L. M. Kohn, 3 May 1985, PDD 49023. NELSON: Karamea, Oparara River Valley, Mirror Tarn, on fallen leaves D. traversii, P. R. Johnston D948 & E. M. Gibellini, 26 May 1989, PDD 63173. WAIKATO: Mt Pirongia, Track 4A, on fallen leaves D. latifolium, P. R. Johnston D319 & E. M. Gibellini, 28 Apr 1985, PDD 54890.
DESCRIPTION: Apothecia developing on both upper and lower surface of fallen leaves, associated with bleaching of leaf tissue and with reddish staining in the immediate vicinity of the apothecia. Apothecia erumpent from beneath epidermis, arising from small patch of compact, hyaline tissue comprising tangled 3-µm-diam. hyphae with walls hyaline, slightly thickened. Apothecia 0.4-1 mm diam., sessile,disc yellowish when fresh, drying dark red, receptacle dark red with a row of massive, tapering, dark red to blackish appendages up to 1 mm long. Ascomata release deep wine red pigment in KOH (pigment becoming colourless in Melzer's reagent). Ectal excipulum two-layered; outer layer up to 65µm thick at sides of receptacle, of textura angularis to textura prismatica with elements oriented at high angle to receptacle surface, comprising short cylindric to angular, 6-12-µm-diam. cells with walls thick, dark red (encrusted with dark red material which dissolves rapidly in KOH), gelatinous, outermostcells of each element becoming long-cylindric and extending a short distance along sides of receptacle; inner layer up to 50 µm thick near edge of disc, 10-15 µm at sides of receptacle, comprising long cylindric to cylindric, 3-µm-diam. cells with walls thick, hyaline, gelatinous (with red crystal-like inclusions amongst the gel, these dissolving rapidly in KOH). Medullary excipulum a 60-µm-deep layer of cylindric cells, partly tangled and oriented more or less perpendicular to host surface, 3-5 µm diam. with walls thick, hyaline, gelatinous. Excipular hairs arising from outer layer of ectal excipulum, 700-1000 x 2.5-3 µm, cylindric with rounded apex, walls thick, smooth, dark red, with no reaction in Melzer'sreagent, numerous hairs aggregated into tight groups, forming triangular, tapering appendages, 50-100 µm wide at base. Subhymenium comprising 2-4-µm diam.hyphae with walls hyaline, thin, nongelatinous. Paraphyses 1.5 µm diam., apex slightly swollen to 2.5-3 µm diam., sometimes branched, extending 10-20 µm beyond asci, embedded in common hyaline to pale brown gelatinous matrix. Asci 95-120(-130) x 6.5-7.5(-8) µm,cylindric, tapering slightly to subtruncate apex, wall thickened at apex, apical pore amyloid (pale reaction), 8-spored, spores overlapping uniseriate, spores extending 75-85 µm from ascus apex. Ascospores 11.5-15 x 4-4.5(-5.5) µm, elliptic to fusoid, ends more or less acute, flattened one side, slightly curved in side view, slightly wider in upper half, 0-1-septate,wall hyaline to pale brown.
DIAGNOSIS: Species characteribus Hispidulae. Apothecia 0.4-1 mm diam.; discus luteolus, atroruber ubi siccus; receptaculum atroruberum; appendices atroruberae vel nigellae, ad 1 mm longae; pigmentum purpureum in KOH. Asci 95-120 (-130) x 6.5-7.5(-8) µm, poro Melzero noncaerulescente; ascosporae 11.5-15 x 4-4.5 (-5.5) µm, ellipticae vel fusiformes, extrema plus minusve accuminata, versus facie unam complanatam,curvulae leviter, 0-1-septatae. In foliis caducis Dracophylii.

ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet refers to the red colour of the apothecium of this fungus.

NOTES: H. rubra is easily distinguished from other species in the genus by its colour. Several times it has been found growing on the same leaves as H. pounamu, although typically closer to the base of the leaf. It is the only species in the genus lacking the dextrinoid reaction in the excipular hairs.

HOLOTYPUS (here designated): New Zealand: Mid Canterbury: Arthur's Pass National Park, Scotts Tr.,on fallen leaves Dracophyllum traversii, P. R.Johnston D1459.2, 9 Feb 1989, PDD 71644.

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Hispidula rubra P.R. Johnst. 2003
Hispidula rubra P.R. Johnst. (2003)
Hispidula rubra P.R. Johnst. 2003
Hispidula rubra P.R. Johnst. (2003)

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Hispidula rubra P.R. Johnst. 2003
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Hispidula rubra P.R. Johnst. 2003
New Zealand
Hispidula rubra P.R. Johnst. 2003
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Hispidula rubra P.R. Johnst. 2003
New Zealand
Hispidula rubra P.R. Johnst. 2003
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Hispidula rubra P.R. Johnst. 2003
New Zealand
Hispidula rubra P.R. Johnst. 2003
New Zealand

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New Zealand: Mid Canterbury: Arthur’s Pass National Park, Scotts Tr., on fallen leaves Dracophyllum traversii, P. R. Johnston D1459.2, 9 Feb 1989, holotype PDD 71644

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1 January 2001
16 December 2003
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