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Hispidula pounamu P.R. Johnst. 2003

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Hispidula pounamu P.R. Johnst., New Zealand J. Bot. 41 691 (2003)
Hispidula pounamu P.R. Johnst. 2003

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New Zealand
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P.R. Johnst.
P.R. Johnst.
Hispidula pounamu P.R. Johnst. 2003
NZ holotype
Hispidula pounamu
New Zealand: Nelson: Abel Tasman National Park, Takaka Hill, Canaan Rd, Mt Evans Tr., on Dracophyllum traversii fallen leaves, P. R. Johnston D964, 3 May 1994, holotype PDD 70960

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Hispidula pounamu P.R. Johnst. 2003

ADDITIONAL SPECIMENS EXAMINED: NEW ZEALAND: BAY OF PLENTY: Mt Te Aroha, summit, on fallen leaves Dracophyllum traversii, P. R.Johnston D1461, 30 Apr 1988, PDD 70967. BULLER: Paparoa Range, Mt Ryall, Croesus Tr.,seaward side near treeline, on fallen leaves D.traversii, P. R. Johnston D1007, 7 May 1994, PDD 70964. MID CANTERBURY: Arthur's Pass NationalPark, Scotts Tr., on fallen leaves D. traversii,P. R. Johnston D1459.1, 9 Feb 1989, PDD 70966. NELSON: Abel Tasman National Park, vic. Cobb Reservoir, track from Mytton Hut to treeline, on fallen leaves D. traversii, P. R. Johnston D973, 4 May 1994, PDD 70961; Graham Range, Graham River Valley Rd, track from Flora Carpark to Mt Arthur Hut, on fallen leaves D. traversii, P. R. Johnston D 996, 6 May 1994, PDD 70963; Graham Range, Graham River Valley Rd, track from Flora Carpark to Mt Arthur Hut, on fallen leaves D.traversii, P. R. Johnston D 995, 6 May 1994, PDD 70962; vic. Westport, Denniston Plateau Walkway, on fallen leaves D. traversii, P. R. Johnston D604 & E. M. Gibellini, 25 May 1989, PDD 58176.
DESCRIPTION: Apothecia developing on upper and lower surface of fallen leaves, typically near base of leaf. Apothecia erumpent from beneath epidermis, arising from small patch of compact, hyaline tissue comprising cylindric to short-cylindric, 2-5-µm diam.cells with walls hyaline, thin, nongelatinous. Apothecia up to 1 mm diam., sessile, disc bright orange-yellow, receptacle white to bright yellow, dark brown with age or drying, with a row of massive, tapering, pale, whitish appendages up to 0.8 mm long. Ectal excipulum two-layered; outer layer up to 50 µm thick, forming a broad, flange-like extension above the surrounding host tissue, of textura angularis to textura prismatica with elements oriented at high angle to receptacle surface, comprising brick-shaped, 8-12-µm-diam. cells with walls thick, hyaline, gelatinous, outermost cells encrusted with yellow-brown material; inner layer 5-10 µm thick, comprising narrow-cylindric to cylindric, 2-2.5-µm-diam. cells with walls thick, hyaline, gelatinous. Medullary excipulum comprising 50-60-µm-deep layer of cylindric 3-5-µm-diam. cells partly interwoven and oriented more or less perpendicular to host surface, with walls thick, hyaline, gelatinous. Excipular hairs arising from outer layer of ectal excipulum, up to 800 x 3 µm, cylindric with rounded apex, walls thick, smooth, dextrinoid in Melzer's reagent (under interference contrast microscopy with amyloid appearance at some angles), numerous hairs aggregated into tight groups, forming triangular, tapering appendages, 40-80 µm wide at base. Subhymenium comprising 2-µm-diam. hyphae with walls hyaline, thin, nongelatinous. Paraphyses 1.5 µm diam., apex slightly swollen to 2.5-3.5 µm diam., sometimes branched in upper 20-40 µm, extending 20-30 µm beyond asci, embedded in common gelatinous matrix. Asci (95)110-135 x 7-9.5 µm, cylindric, tapering slightly to subtruncate apex, wall thickened at apex, apical pore amyloid, 8-spored, spores overlapping uniseriate, spores extending 80-110 µm from ascus apex. Ascospores 13.5-19(-22) x 4-5.5 µm, oblong elliptic,ends rounded, flattened one side, slightly curved in side view, 0-1-septate, wall hyaline (pale brown in some spores after release).
DIAGNOSIS: Species characteribus Hispidulae. Apothecia ad 1 mm diam.; discus armeniacus vividus; receptaculum albidum vel ochraceum vividum, atrobrunneum ubi siccum; appendices albidae, Melzero aurantiaco, ad 0.8 mm longae. Asci (95-)110-135 x 7-9.5 µm, poro Melzero caerulescente; ascosporae 13.5-19(-22) x 4-5.5 µm, oblongo-ellipticae, extrema rotundata, versus facieunam complanatam, curvulae leviter, 0-1-septatae. In foliis caducis Dracophylii.

ETYMOLOGY: The specific epithet refers to the Maori name for the South Island of New Zealand, Te Wai Pounamu, reflecting the largely southern distribution of this species (epithet in the form of a noun inaposition).

NOTES: H. pounamu is similar to H. tokerau; see notes under this second species. H. pounamu is quite common in the northern half of the South Island, the only North Island collection being from the summit of Mt Te Aroha.

HOLOTYPUS (here designated): New Zealand: Nelson: Abel Tasman National Park, Takaka Hill, Canaan Rd, Mt Evans Tr., on Dracophyllum traversii fallen leaves, P. R. Johnston D964, 3 May 1994, PDD 70960.

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Hispidula pounamu P.R. Johnst. 2003
Hispidula pounamu P.R. Johnst. (2003)
Hispidula pounamu P.R. Johnst. 2003
Hispidula pounamu P.R. Johnst. (2003)

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Hispidula pounamu P.R. Johnst. 2003
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Hispidula pounamu P.R. Johnst. 2003
New Zealand
Hispidula pounamu P.R. Johnst. 2003
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Hispidula pounamu P.R. Johnst. 2003
New Zealand

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New Zealand: Nelson: Abel Tasman National Park, Takaka Hill, Canaan Rd, Mt Evans Tr., on Dracophyllum traversii fallen leaves, P. R. Johnston D964, 3 May 1994, holotype PDD 70960

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scientific name
1 January 2001
16 December 2003
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