Echinostelium fragile Nann.-Bremek. 1961

Echinostelium fragile Nann.-Bremek. 1961
Fruiting body a stalked sporangium, scattered to gregarious, 100–150 µm tall. Sporotheca globose, erect or nodding, pale grey to yellowish pink, 30–50 µm in diameter. Stalk translucent, pale yellow, 70–130 µm long. Hypothallus inconspicuous. Peridium persisting in mature fruiting bodies as a collar at the base of the sporangium. Columella cylindrical to fusiform, 5–10 µm long, dark olive brown by transmitted light. Capillitium absent. Spores pink in mass, hyaline to greyish or yellowish pink by transmitted light, minutely roughened, with a diffuse thinner area on one side, 11–14 µm in diameter. Plasmodium translucent pink.
Martin & Alexopoulos (1969), Keller & Brooks (1977), Whitney (1980), Nannenga Bremekamp (1991), Neubert et al. (1993), Lado & Pando (1997), Ing (1999).