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Stemonitis virginiensis Rex 1891

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Stemonitis virginiensis Rex, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 43 391 (1891)
Stemonitis virginiensis Rex 1891

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Stemonitis virginiensis Rex 1891
Stemonitis virginiensis

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Stemonitis virginiensis Rex 1891

None in PDD.
Fruiting body a stalked sporangium, gregarious in small clusters, 2–6 mm tall. Sporotheca cylindrical to elongated-ovate, blunt or slightly acuminate above, erect, violaceous-brown, up to 0.3 mm in diameter. Stalk black, shining, 0.5–2.0 mm tall, one-quarter to one-third the height of the entire sporangium. Hypothallus membranous, reddish brown, contiguous for a group of sporangia. Peridium fugacious. Columella reaching the apex of the sporotheca, giving rise to a delicate capillitium, the ultimate branches united with the small-meshed surface net that tends to fall away above. Spores bright in mass, pale lilac-brown by transmitted light, marked by a sharp reticulation of narrow bands connecting prominent warts, 6–7 µm in diameter. Plasmodium white.
Reported from widely scattered localities in North America and Europe but never common (Martin & Alexopoulos 1969). First reported from New Zealand by Rawson (1937), based on a specimen collected in South Canterbury.
Decaying wood and bark.
Martin & Alexopoulos (1969), Nannenga-Bremekamp (1991), Ing (1999).
The combination of violaceous-brown sporangia and reticulate spores distinguish Stemonitis virginiensis

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Stemonitis virginiensis Rex 1891
Stemonitis virginiensis Rex (1891)
Stemonitis virginiensis Rex 1891
Stemonitis virginiensis Rex (1891)
Stemonitis virginiensis Rex 1891
Stemonitis virginiensis Rex (1891)
Stemonitis virginiensis Rex 1891
Stemonitis virginiensis Rex (1891)
Stemonitis virginiensis Rex 1891
Stemonitis virginiensis Rex (1891)

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Stemonitis virginiensis Rex 1891
New Zealand

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scientific name
7 November 1994
23 November 2001
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