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Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn 1904

Scientific name record
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Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn, Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 45 165 (1904)
Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn 1904

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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E. Jahn
E. Jahn
Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn 1904
Stemonitis flavogenita

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Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn 1904

None in PDD.
Fruiting body a stalked sporangium, fasciculate in small- or medium-sized clusters, 4–8 mm tall, occasionally taller. Sporotheca cylindrical, obtuse, reddish brown, becoming paler with the disappearance of the spores, 0.2–0.3 mm in diameter. Stalk sometimes short but often exceeding one-third the total height of the entire sporangium. Hypothallus membranous, varying from pallid through dull red to nearly black. Peridium fugacious. Columella ending abruptly just below the apex of the sporotheca, often with a membranous expansion at the tip. Capillitium a loose network with many membranous expansions, surface net delicate, the meshes uneven, mostly small, with many spine-like free ends, often falling away rather quickly, especially above. Spores rich brown by transmitted light, verruculose, 7–9 µm in diameter. Plasmodium yellow, pallid, or white.
Cosmopolitan (Martin & Alexopoulos 1969). First reported from New Zealand by Macbride (1926), based on a specimen cited without naming a specific locality.
Decaying wood.
Martin & Alexopoulos (1969), Nannenga-Bremekamp (1991), Ing (1999), Neubert et al. (2000).
The distinguishing characteristics of this species are the membranous expansions in the capillitium.

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Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn 1904
Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn (1904)
Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn 1904
Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn (1904)
Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn 1904
Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn (1904)
Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn 1904
Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn (1904)
Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn 1904
Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn (1904)
Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn 1904
Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn 1904

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Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn 1904
New Zealand
Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn 1904
New Zealand
Auckland Islands
Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn 1904
New Zealand
Stemonitis flavogenita E. Jahn 1904
New Zealand

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scientific name
8 November 1994
23 November 2001
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