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Diderma deplanatum Fr. 1829

Scientific name record
Names_Fungi record source
Is NZ relevant
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This is indigenous

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Diderma deplanatum Fr. 1829
Diderma deplanatum Fr. 1829

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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Diderma deplanatum Fr. 1829
Diderma deplanatum

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Diderma deplanatum Fr. 1829

CHSC 50068.
Fruiting body a sessile sporangium (or sometimes forming a curved or ring-shaped plasmodiocarp), scattered or in small groups, pulvinate, 1.0–1.5 mm in diameter. Hypothallus inconspicuous. Peridium consisting of two layers, the outer layer smooth, crustose, brittle, thick, white or pale cream-coloured or lilaceous, the inner layer membranous, iridescent, deep orange below, dehiscence irregular. Columella absent or represented by a broadly convex or thickened orange-brown base. Capillitium consisting of dark, simple or sparsely branched threads, often bearing spiny or nodular enlargements. Spores rather dark yellow-brown by transmitted light, minutely spiny, 9–10 µm in diameter. Plasmodium white.
Widespread in Europe (Lado 1999) and also reported from Asia (Yamamoto 1998) and North America (Martin & Alexopoulos 1969). First reported from New Zealand by Stagg (1992), based on several specimens collected in Westland.
Dead leaves and other types of plant debris; sometimes fruiting on bryophytes.
Martin & Alexopoulos (1969), Nannenga-Bremekamp (1991), Neubert et al. (1995), Ing (1999).
This species is similar in appearance to Diderma effusum but does not produce the broadly effused fruitings characteristic of the latter, the inner layer of the peridium is deep orange to orange-brown, and the spores are larger and darker.

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Diderma deplanatum Fr. 1829
Diderma deplanatum Fr. (1829)
Diderma deplanatum Fr. 1829
Diderma deplanatum Fr. (1829)
Diderma deplanatum Fr. 1829
Diderma deplanatum Fr. (1829)
Diderma deplanatum Fr. 1829
Diderma deplanatum Fr. (1829)
Diderma deplanatum Fr. 1829
Diderma deplanatum Fr. (1829)

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scientific name
4 November 1994
19 November 2001
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