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Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef. 1962 [1960]

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Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef., Mycologia 52 931 (1962 [1960])
Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef. 1962 [1960]

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New Zealand
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Ellis & Holw.
(Ellis & Holw.) Wakef.
Tomentella sublilacina

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CONIFERAE. Cupressus lawsoniana: Westland, Rimu State Forest. Pinus radiata: Auckland, Domain, 70 m. Nelson, Appleby, 30 m.
Hymenophore annual, membranous, adherent, effused forming small irregularly orbicular or linear areas 1-5 cm across; hymenial surface tan or chestnut, sometimes with a vinaceous tinge, finely punctate under a lens, especially towards the centre; margin fibrillose, thinning out, concolorous, adherenµm Context pallid tan, 100-400 µm thick, basal layer a narrow zone of mainly parallel hyphae tinted brown, intermediate layer of mainly erect hyaline hyphae; generative hyphae 4-6 µm diameter, walls 0.2 µm thick, branched, freely septate, with clamp connections. Hymenial layer to 60 µm deep, a close palisade of basidia and paraphyses. Basidia subclavate, 30-45 x 6-8 µm,bearing 2-4 spores; sterigmata slightly arcuate, to 6 µm long. Paraphyses subclavate, 18-28 x 4-6 µm. Spores globose or oval, 7-9 x 6-8 µm, walls sinuate, sparsely and finely verruculose, tinted umber, 0.25 µm thick, spines to 0.75 µm long.
DISTRIBUTION: Europe, New Zealand.
HABITAT: Effused on bark of dead branches.
Separated from T. fusca by the lighter colour, adherent colonies, hyaline hyphae of the intermediate layer and smaller spores. Collections agree with a specimen from Europe examined in Kew, herbarium, named by Bourdot T. fusca subsp. castanea. I have followed Donk in considering the plant as a species, rather than a subspecies of T. fusca, under which it was placed by Bourdot & Galzin.

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Tomentella castanea (Bourdot & Galzin) Donk
Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef. 1962 [1960]
Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef. 1962 [1960]
Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef. (1962) [1960]
Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef. 1962 [1960]
Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef. (1962) [1960]
Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef. 1962 [1960]
Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef. 1962 [1960]
Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef. 1962 [1960]
Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef. (1962) [1960]

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Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef. 1962 [1960]
New Zealand

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scientific name
29 July 1998
29 July 1998
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